Gridrunner (VIC-20 game)

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Developer(s) Llamasoft
Publisher(s) Llamasoft
Designer(s) Jeff Minter
Release date(s) 1982
Platform(s) Vic 20 C64 Commodore 16
Media Cassette
System requirements 3.5kb
Input Keyboard & Joystick

Gridrunner was a two-dimensional shoot em up which was written by Jeff Minter

[edit] Description

Published by Llamasoft Gridrunner, was a game for the Commodore International Vic 20. The idea of the game was to navigate your space ship on a grid whilst the alien catapillers rapidily travelled down it. Meanwhile you also had to avoid to laser cannons which patrolled the X and Y axis of the grid. The game was a little like Centipede but with an array of unique extras, such as shoot a segement and this turns into a timebomb.

A modern day version is available from Llamasoft

[edit] External links