User:Grenavitar/Islam outline
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This is an outline to give an organized account of the Islam articles.
(starting with copy/paste Brittanica)
* Islam * The foundations of Islam o The legacy of Muhammad (hadith, sira) o Sources of Islamic doctrinal and social views (Sharia, Hudud) o Doctrines of the Qur'an + God (Allah) + The universe + Man (Women in Islam) + Satan, sin, and repentance + Prophecy + Islamic eschatology + Social service o Fundamental practices and institutions of Islam + The five pillars of Islam # The shahadah, or profession of faith # Salaat # The zakat # Sawm (fasting) # The hajj + Sacred places and days # Shrines of Sufi saints # The mosque # Holy days (Islamic calendar) * Islamic thought (History of Islam) o Origins, nature, and significance of Islamic theology + Early developments + The Hellenistic legacy o Theology and sectarianism (Divisions of Islam) + The Khawarij + The Mu'tazilah + The followers of Sunnah (Sunni Islam) # The way of the majority # Tolerance of diversity # Influence of al-Ash'ari and al-Maturidi + The Shi'ah # Isma'ili # Related sects # The Sufi + Other groups # The Ahmadiyah # The “Black Muslims” (Nation of Islam, Five Percent Nation) o Islamic philosophy (Early Islamic philosophy, Modern Islamic philosophy) + The Eastern philosophers # Background and scope of philosophical interest in Islam # Relation to the Mu'tazilah and interpretation of theological issues * The teachings of al-Kindi * The teachings of Abu Bakr ar-Razi # The teachings of al-Farabi * Political philosophy and the study of religion * Interpretation of Plato and Aristotle * The analogy of religion and philosophy * Impact on Isma'ili theology # The teachings of Avicenna * The “Oriental Philosophy” * Distinction between essence and existence and the doctrine of creation * The immortality of individual souls * Philosophy, religion, and mysticism + The Western philosophers # Background and characteristics of the Western Muslim philosophical tradition # The teachings of Ibn Bajjah * Theoretical science and intuitive knowledge * Unconcern of philosophy with reform # The teachings of Ibn Tufayl * The philosopher as a solitary individual * Concern for reform * The hidden secret of Avicenna's “Oriental Philosophy” # The teachings of Averroës * Philosophy * The divine law * Theology o The new wisdom: synthesis of philosophy and mysticism + Philosophy, traditionalism, and the new wisdom # Philosophy # Traditionalism and the new wisdom # Characteristic features of the new wisdom # Critiques of Aristotle in Islamic theology # Synthesis of philosophy and mysticism + Primary teachers of the new wisdom # The teachings of as-Suhrawardi # The teachings of Ibn al-'Arabi # The teachings of Twelver Shi'ism and the school of Esfahan * The teachings of Mir Damah * The teachings of Mulla Sadra + Impact of modernism (Contemporary Islam) o Social and ethical principles + Family life + The state + Education + Cultural diversity o Religion and Islamic art history + The visual arts + Muslim music + Literature + Islamic architecture o Islamic mythology and legend + Sources and variations # The Qur'an and non-Islamic influences # The mystics + Types of myth and legend # Cosmogony and eschatology # Tales and legends concerning religious figures * Muhammad * Other Qur'anic figures * Muhammad's wives, Ahl al-Bayt, Sahaba, Taba'een, Taba Taba'een * Mystics and other later figures # Mythologization of secular tales # Tales and beliefs about numbers and letters + Illustration of myth and legend + Significance and modern interpretations * Additional Reading o General works o Education (Madrassa) o Political theory and institutions o Islamic art history o Theology and philosophy o Islamic mythology and legend