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[edit] Summary

Great stellated dodecahedron, rendered with POVRay

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[edit] Source

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <vector>

using std::vector;

const char *theader = "//Picture   ***  Use flashiness=1 !!! ***\n//\n//   +w1024 +h1024 +a0.3 +am2\n//   +w512 +h512 +a0.3 +am2\n//\n//Movie   ***  Use flashiness=0.25 !!! ***\n//\n//   +kc +kff120 +w256 +h256 +a0.3 +am2\n//   +kc +kff60 +w256 +h256 +a0.3 +am2\n//\"Fast\" preview\n//   +w128 +h128\n#declare notwireframe=1;\n#declare withreflection=0;\n#declare flashiness=1; //Still pictures use 1, animated should probably be about 0.25.\n\n#declare rotation=seed(%d);\n\n#declare rot1=rand(rotation)*pi*2;\n#declare rot2=acos(1-2*rand(rotation));\n#declare rot3=(rand(rotation)+clock)*pi*2;\n#macro dorot()\n  rotate rot1*180/pi*y\n  rotate rot2*180/pi*x\n  rotate rot3*180/pi*y\n#end\n\n";

const char *tline = "object {\n  cylinder { <%lf,%lf,%lf>, <%lf,%lf,%lf>, .01 dorot() }\n  pigment { colour <.3,.3,.3> }\n  finish { ambient 0 diffuse 1 phong 1 }\n}\n\n";

const char *tvertex = "object {\n  sphere { <%lf,%lf,%lf>, .01 dorot() }\n  pigment { colour <.3,.3,.3> }\n  finish { ambient 0 diffuse 1 phong 1 }\n}\n\n";

const char *tstartmesh = "object {\n  mesh {\n";

const char *ttriangle = "    triangle {\n      <%lf,%lf,%lf>, <%lf,%lf,%lf>, <%lf,%lf,%lf>\n    }\n";

const char *tendmesh = "    //sphere { <0,0,0>, 1 }\n    //sphere { <0,0,0>, ld+.01 inverse }\n    dorot()\n  }\n  pigment { colour rgbt <.8,.8,.8,.4> }\n  finish { ambient 0 diffuse 1 phong flashiness #if(withreflection) reflection { .2 } #end }\n  //interior { ior 1.5 }\n  photons {\n    target on\n    refraction on\n    reflection on\n    collect on\n  }\n}\n\n";

const char *tfooter = "//  CCC Y Y PP\n//  C   Y Y P P\n//  C    Y  PP\n//  C    Y  P\n//  CCC  Y  P\n\n#local a=0;\n#while(a<11.0001)\n  light_source { <4*sin(a*pi*2/11), 5*cos(a*pi*6/11), -4*cos(a*pi*2/11)> colour (1+<sin(a*pi*2/11),sin(a*pi*2/11+pi*2/3),sin(a*pi*2/11+pi*4/3)>)*2/11 }\n  #local a=a+1;\n#end\n\nbackground { color <1,1,1> }\n\ncamera {\n  perspective\n  location <0,0,0>\n  direction <0,0,1>\n  right x/2\n  up y/2\n  sky <0,1,0>\n  location <0,0,-4.8>\n  look_at <0,0,0>\n}\n\nglobal_settings {\n  max_trace_level 40\n  photons {\n    count 200000\n    autostop 0\n  }\n}\n";

#define PHI ((1+sqrt(5))/2)
#define PI (3.14159265358979323846264338327)
#define SQ2 (sqrt(2))
#define SQ3 (sqrt(3))

bool eq(double a, double b)
    return a+0.00001>=b&&b+0.00001>=a;

bool eqt(double a1, double a2, double a3, double b1, double b2, double b3)
//printf("Tri: {%lf, %lf, %lf}, {%lf, %lf, %lf}\n", a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3);
    return eq(a1, b1)? eq(a2, b2)? eq(a3, b3):eq(a2, b3)&&eq(a3, b2):eq(a1, b2)? eq(a2, b3)? eq(a3, b1):eq(a2, b1)&&eq(a3, b3):eq(a1, b3)&&(eq(a2, b1)? eq(a3, b2):eq(a2, b3)&&eq(a3, b2));

class vec
    double x, y, z;
    vec() : x(0), y(0), z(0) {}
    vec(double nx, double ny, double nz) : x(nx), y(ny), z(nz) {}
    vec operator + (vec o)
        return vec(x+o.x, y+o.y, z+o.z);
    vec operator - (vec o)
        return vec(x-o.x, y-o.y, z-o.z);
    double operator * (vec o)
        return x*o.x+y*o.y+z*o.z;
    vec operator * (double o)
        return vec(x*o, y*o, z*o);
    vec operator ^ (vec o)
        return vec(y*o.z-z*o.y, z*o.x-x*o.z, x*o.y-y*o.x);
    double norm()
        return sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);

class vec2
    double x, y;
    vec2() {}
    vec2(double nx, double ny) : x(nx), y(ny) {}
    vec2 operator + (vec2 o)
        return vec2(x+o.x, y+o.y);
    vec2 operator - (vec2 o)
        return vec2(x-o.x, y-o.y);
    double operator * (vec2 o)
        return x*o.x+y*o.y;
    vec2 operator * (double o)
        return vec2(x*o, y*o);
    vec2 operator ~ ()
        return vec2(y, -x);
    double norm()
        return sqrt(x*x+y*y);

vector<vec> cyclicperm(vector<vec> v)
    vector<vec> r;
    vector<vec>::iterator i;
    for(i = v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i)
        r.push_back(vec(i->y, i->z, i->x));
        r.push_back(vec(i->z, i->x, i->y));
    return r;

vector<vec> altperm(vector<vec> v)
    vector<vec> r;
    vector<vec>::iterator i;
    for(i = v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i)
        r.push_back(vec(i->x, i->z, i->y));
    return r;

vector<vec> signperm(vector<vec> v)
    vector<vec> r;
    vector<vec>::iterator i;
    for( i = v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i )
        int j;
        for(j = 0; j<8; ++j)
                r.push_back(vec(j&1? i->x:-i->x, j&2? i->y:-i->y, j&4? i->z:-i->z));
    return r;

vector<vec> mvvec(double x, double y, double z)
    vector<vec> v;
    v.push_back(vec(x, y, z));
    return v;

vector<vec> mvvec(vec q)
    vector<vec> v;
    return v;

vector<vec> concat(const vector<vec> a, const vector<vec> b)
    vector<vec> r;
    r = a;
    r.insert(r.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
    return r;

void printvvec(FILE *f, vector<vec> v)
    vector<vec>::iterator i;
    for(i = v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i)
        fprintf(f, tvertex, i->x, i->y, i->z);

void printvveclines(FILE *f, vector<vec> v, double len)
    vector<vec>::iterator i, j;
    len *= len;
    for(i = v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i)
        for(j = i+1; j!=v.end(); ++j)
            if(eq((*i-*j)*(*i-*j), len))
                fprintf(f, tline, i->x, i->y, i->z, j->x, j->y, j->z);

void printvveclines(FILE *f, vector<vec> v)
    vector<vec>::iterator i;
    for(i = v.begin(); i!=v.end(); i += 2)
        fprintf(f, tline, i->x, i->y, i->z, (i+1)->x, (i+1)->y, (i+1)->z);

void printvvecdottedlines(FILE *f, vector<vec> v)
    vector<vec>::iterator i;
    int n, m;
    double s;
    for(i = v.begin(); i!=v.end(); i += 2)
//    for(i = v.begin(); i!=v.begin()+12; i += 2)
        s = (*i-*(i+1)).norm();
        m = (int)(s/0.04+.5);
        s = 1./(double)m;
        for(n = 1; n<m; ++n)
            vec c = *i+(*(i+1)-*i)*(s*n);
            fprintf(f, tvertex, c.x, c.y, c.z);

void printvvectriangles(FILE *f, vector<vec> v, double len1, double len2, double len3)
    vector<vec>::iterator i, j, k;
    len1 *= len1;
    len2 *= len2;
    len3 *= len3;
    for(i = v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i)
        for(j = i+1; j!=v.end(); ++j)
            for(k = j+1; k!=v.end(); ++k)
                if(eqt((*i-*j)*(*i-*j), (*j-*k)*(*j-*k), (*k-*i)*(*k-*i), len1, len2, len3))
                    fprintf(f, ttriangle, i->x, i->y, i->z, j->x, j->y, j->z, k->x, k->y, k->z);

void printvvectriangles(FILE *f, vector<vec> v)
    vector<vec>::iterator i;
    for(i = v.begin(); i!=v.end(); i += 3)
//i = v.begin();
        fprintf(f, ttriangle, i->x, i->y, i->z, (i+1)->x, (i+1)->y, (i+1)->z, (i+2)->x, (i+2)->y, (i+2)->z);
/*i += 3;
        fprintf(f, ttriangle, i->x, i->y, i->z, (i+1)->x, (i+1)->y, (i+1)->z, (i+2)->x, (i+2)->y, (i+2)->z);
i += 3;
        fprintf(f, ttriangle, i->x, i->y, i->z, (i+1)->x, (i+1)->y, (i+1)->z, (i+2)->x, (i+2)->y, (i+2)->z);
i += 3;
        fprintf(f, ttriangle, i->x, i->y, i->z, (i+1)->x, (i+1)->y, (i+1)->z, (i+2)->x, (i+2)->y, (i+2)->z);
i += 3;
        fprintf(f, ttriangle, i->x, i->y, i->z, (i+1)->x, (i+1)->y, (i+1)->z, (i+2)->x, (i+2)->y, (i+2)->z);
i += 3;
        fprintf(f, ttriangle, i->x, i->y, i->z, (i+1)->x, (i+1)->y, (i+1)->z, (i+2)->x, (i+2)->y, (i+2)->z);

void SmallStellatedDodecahedron()
    vector<vec> v;
    v = cyclicperm(signperm(mvvec(vec(0, PHI, 1)*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)))));

    FILE *f;
    f = fopen("SmallStellatedDodecahedron.pov", "wb");
    fprintf(f, theader, 22491);
    printvvec(f, v);
    printvveclines(f, v, 2*PHI*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)));
    fprintf(f, tstartmesh);
    v = concat(v, cyclicperm(signperm(mvvec(vec(0, 2-PHI, 1)*(1/sqrt(PHI+2))))));
    v = concat(v, signperm(mvvec(vec(PHI-1, PHI-1, PHI-1)*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)))));
    printvvectriangles(f, v, (2*PHI-2)*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)), (2*PHI-2)*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)), (4-2*PHI)*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)));
    fprintf(f, tendmesh);
    fprintf(f, tfooter);

void GreatStellatedDodecahedron()
    vector<vec> v;
    v = concat(signperm(mvvec(vec(1, 1, 1)*(1/SQ3))), cyclicperm(signperm(mvvec(vec(0, PHI, 1/PHI)*(1/SQ3)))));

    FILE *f;
    f = fopen("GreatStellatedDodecahedron.pov", "wb");
    fprintf(f, theader, 7409);//7412);
    printvvec(f, v);
    printvveclines(f, v, 2*PHI*(1/SQ3));
    fprintf(f, tstartmesh);
    v = concat(v, cyclicperm(signperm(mvvec(vec(0, 2-PHI, PHI-1)*(1/SQ3)))));
    printvvectriangles(f, v, (2*PHI-2)*(1/SQ3), (2*PHI-2)*(1/SQ3), (4-2*PHI)*(1/SQ3));
    fprintf(f, tendmesh);
    fprintf(f, tfooter);

void GreatDodecahedron()
    vector<vec> v;
    v = cyclicperm(signperm(mvvec(vec(0, PHI, 1)*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)))));

    FILE *f;
    f = fopen("GreatDodecahedron.pov", "wb");
    fprintf(f, theader, 11404);
    printvveclines(f, v, 2*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)));
    v = concat(v, concat(signperm(mvvec(vec(PHI-1, PHI-1, PHI-1)*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)))), cyclicperm(signperm(mvvec(vec(0, 2-PHI, 1)*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)))))));
    printvvec(f, v);
    fprintf(f, tstartmesh);
    printvvectriangles(f, v, (2*PHI-2)*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)), (2*PHI-2)*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)), (2)*(1/sqrt(PHI+2)));
    fprintf(f, tendmesh);
    fprintf(f, tfooter);

vector<vec> IcosaParse(const char *vs)
    vector<vec> v, p;
    v = cyclicperm(signperm(mvvec(vec(0, PHI, 1))));
vec av;
    vector<vec>::iterator i, j, k;
    int q;
    static const vec2 rats[9] = {vec2(1, 0), vec2(PHI-1, 2-PHI), vec2(2-PHI, PHI-1), vec2(0, 1), vec2(0, PHI-1), vec2(0, 2-PHI), vec2(0, 0), vec2(2-PHI, 0), vec2(PHI-1, 0)};

    for(i = v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i)
        for(j = v.begin(); j!=v.end(); ++j)
            for(k = v.begin(); k!=v.end(); ++k)
                if(eqt((*i-*j).norm(), (*j-*k).norm(), (*k-*i).norm(), 2, 2, 2)&&(*i^*j)**k>0)
                    vec t3 = *i*PHI*PHI+*j*PHI*PHI-*k*PHI*PHI*PHI, t1 = *j*PHI*PHI+*k*PHI*PHI-*i*PHI*PHI*PHI, t2 = *k*PHI*PHI+*i*PHI*PHI-*j*PHI*PHI*PHI;
                    for(q = 0; vs[q]; )
                            p = concat(p, mvvec(t3+(t1-t3)*rats[vs[q]-'0'].x+(t2-t3)*rats[vs[q]-'0'].y));
                            q += 2;
                            vec2 a = rats[vs[q]-'0'], b = rats[vs[q+1]-'0'], c = rats[vs[q+2]-'0'], d = rats[vs[q+3]-'0'];
                            double idet = 1/((a-b).x*(d-c).y-(a-b).y*(d-c).x);
//fprintf(stderr, "%lf, %lf    %lf, %lf         %lf\n", (a-b).x, (d-c).x, (a-b).y, (d-c).y, idet);
                            vec2 e = vec2(vec2((d-c).y, (d-c).x*-1)*(d-b), vec2((a-b).y*-1, (a-b).x)*(d-b))*idet;
                            vec2 r = (a-b)*e.x+b;
//fprintf(stderr, "%lf, %lf    %lf, %lf         %lf\n", r.x, r.y, t1.x, t1.y, idet);
//fprintf(stderr, "(a-b)={%lf, %lf}, x=%lf, b={%lf, %lf}, e={%lf, %lf}\n(c-d)={%lf, %lf}, y=%lf, d={%lf, %lf}, e={%lf, %lf}\n",
//(a-b).x, (a-b).y, e.x, b.x, b.y, ((a-b)*e.x+b).x, ((a-b)*e.x+b).y,
//(c-d).x, (c-d).y, e.y, d.x, d.y, ((c-d)*e.y+d).x, ((c-d)*e.y+d).y
//fprintf(stderr, "%lf %lf\n", r.x, r.y);
                            p = concat(p, mvvec(t3+(t1-t3)*r.x+(t2-t3)*r.y));
                            av = av+(t3+(t1-t3)*r.x+(t2-t3)*r.y);
                            //p = concat(p, mvvec(vec()));
                            q += 5;

//printf("%lf %lf %lf\n", av.x, av.y, av.z);
    double r = 0;
    for(i = p.begin(); i!=p.end(); ++i)
//i = p.begin();
            r = i->norm();

    for(i = p.begin(); i!=p.end(); ++i)
        *i = *i*(1/r);

    return p;

void StellatedIcosahedron(const char *fn, int rs, const char *vs, const char *ls, const char *dls, const char *ts)
    vector<vec> v;

    FILE *f;
    f = fopen(fn, "wb");
    fprintf(f, theader, rs);
    printvvec(f, IcosaParse(vs));
    printvvecdottedlines(f, IcosaParse(dls));
    printvveclines(f, IcosaParse(ls));
    fprintf(f, tstartmesh);
    printvvectriangles(f, IcosaParse(ts));
    fprintf(f, tendmesh);
    fprintf(f, tfooter);

int main()
    StellatedIcosahedron("GreatIcosahedron.pov", 31234, "0 1 2 0417 1428 2538 ", "0 3 ", "0 0417 0417 1 1 1428 1428 2 2 2538 2538 3 ", "0 1 0417 1 2 1428 2 3 2538 ");
    StellatedIcosahedron("CompoundOfFiveTetrahedra.pov", 22113, "2 2514 1427 2715 1528 ", "2 5 ", "2 2 2514 1427 1427 2715 2715 1528 ", "2 2514 1427 2 2715 1528 ");
    return 0;

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