Grey Flycatcher

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iGrey Flycatcher
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Tyrannidae
Genus: Empidonax
Species: E. wrightii
Binomial name
Empidonax wrightii
(S.F. Baird, 1858)

The Grey Flycatcher, Empidonax wrightii is a small insect-eating bird. It is a small Empidonax flycatcher, with typical size ranging from 14-16 cm.

Adults have pale gray upperparts, darker on the wings and tail, with whitish underparts; they have a conspicuous white eye ring, white wing bars, a small bill and a short tail. The breast is washed with a dull white. This is the only Empidonax flycatcher which regularly pumps its tail gently downward. Many species of this genus look closely alike. The best way do distinguish species apart is by voice, by breeding habitat and/or range.

Their preferred breeding habitat is arid Sagebrush and Pinyon pine of the Great Basin in western United States. They are frequently found as vagrants in coastal California. A small breeding population extends over the United States border into southernmost British Columbia in Canada. They make a cup nest on a fork in a tree, usually low in a horizontal branch. Females usually lay 3-4 eggs.

These birds migrate to Mexico for the winter.

They wait on an open perch of a shrub or low branch of a tree and fly out to catch insects in flight, also sometimes picking insects from foliage while hovering.

The song is a multi versed chiwip, wilip, sung together in different combinations. The call is a loud wit.

[edit] References

  • BirdLife International (2004). Empidonax wrightii. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. Retrieved on 06 May 2006. Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern