Greenhill's Alternate Decisions

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Greenhill's Alternate Decisions is a series of books published by Greenhill Books. The books are anthologies of essays on alternate history. Some books in the series have also been published by the Science Fiction Book Club or the Military Book Club.

The series is ongoing and currently includes the following titles:

The Hitler Options: Alternate Decisions of World War II (1995, edited by Kenneth Macksey)

The Napoleon Options: Alternate Decisions of the Napoleonic Wars (2000, edited by Jonathan North)

Rising Sun Victorious: The Alternate History of How the Japanese Won the Pacific War (2001, edited by Peter G. Tsouras)

  • Hokushin: The Second Russo-Japanese War - Peter G. Tsouras
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: The Plan Orange Disaster - Wade G. Dudley
  • Pearl Harbor: Irredeemable Defeat - Frank Shirer
  • Coral and Purple: The Lost Advantage - James Arnold
  • Nagumo's Luck: The Battles of Midway and California - Forrest R. Lindsey
  • Samurai Down Under: The Japanese Invasion of Australia - John H. Gill
  • The Japanese Raj: The Conquest of India - David C. Isby
  • Guadalcanal: The Broken Shoestring - John Burtt
  • There Are Such Things as Miracles: Halsey and Kurita at Leyte Gulf - Christopher J. Anderson
  • Victory Rides the Wind: The Kamikaze Prevents Defeat at Kyūshū - Dennis Giangreco

Third Reich Victorious: Alternate Decisions of World War II (2002, edited by Peter G. Tsouras)

  • The Little Admiral, 1939: Hitler and the German Navy - Wade Dudley
  • Disaster at Dunkirk: The Defeat of Britain, 1940 - Steven Badsey
  • The Battle of Britain, 1940: Triumph of the Luftwaffe - Charles Messenger
  • The Storm and the Whirlwind: Zhukov Strikes First - Gilberto Villahermosa
  • The Hinge: Alamein to Basra, 1942 - Paddy Griffith
  • Into the Caucasus: The Turkish Attack on Russia, 1942 - John Gill
  • Known Enemies and Forced Allies: The Battles of Sicily and Kursk, 1943 - John Burtt
  • Luftwaffe Triumphant: The Defeat of the Bomber Offensive, 1944-1945 - David Isby
  • Hitler's Bomb: Target: London and Moscow - Forrest Lindsey
  • Rommel versus Zhukov: Decision in the East, 1944-1945 - Peter G. Tsouras

Cold War Hot: Alternate Decisions in the East-West Struggle (2003, edited by Peter G. Tsouras)

  • First Blood: Berlin, 1948 - Michael J. Hathaway
  • The Pusan Disaster, 1950: North Korea's Triumph - James Arnold
  • Vietnam: The War that Nobody Noticed - Paddy Griffith
  • To the Brink: The Middle East, June 1967 - John D. Burtt
  • Another Savage War of Peace: Quebec, 1968 - Sean Maloney
  • A Fraternal War: The Sino-Soviet Disaster - Forrest R. Lindsey
  • To Go Boldly in Amongst Them: The Invasion of North Vietnam - Kevin F. Kiley
  • Fire & Ice: Sixth Fleet versus Fifth Eskadra, October 1973 - Wade Dudley
  • Afghanistan: The Soviet Victory - David C. Isby
  • Red Lightning: The Collapse of the Red Army - Peter G. Tsouras

Dixie Victorious: An Alternate History of the Civil War (2004, edited by Peter G. Tsouras)

  • Hell on Earth: Anglo-French Intervention in the Civil War - Andrew Uffindell
  • Ships of Iron and Wills of Steel: The Confederate Navy Triumphant - Wade Dudley
  • What Will the Country Say: Maryland Destiny - David M. Keithly
  • When the Bottom Fell Out: The Crisis of 1862 - Michael R. Hathaway
  • We Will Water Our Horses in the Mississippi: A.S. Johnson vs. U.S. Grant - James R. Arnold
  • Absolutely Essential to Victory: Stuart's Cavalry in the Gettysburg-Pipe Creek Campaign - Edward W. Longacre
  • Moves to Great Advantage: Longstreet vs. Grant in the West - John D. Burtt
  • Confederate Black and Gray: A Revolution in the Minds of Men - Peter G. Tsouras
  • Decision in the West: Turning Point in the Trans-Mississippi Confederacy - Cyril M. Lagvanec
  • Terrible as an Army With Banners: Jubal Early in the Shenandoah Valley - Kevin F. Kiley

Battle of the Bulge: Hitler's Alternate Scenarios (2005, edited by Peter G. Tsouras)

  • Monty's D-Day: Caen and Beyond - David C. Isby
  • 'By the Throat': Decision at Falaise - Peter G. Tsouras
  • Patton and the Narrow Thrust: The Ardennes Route into Germany - James R. Arnold
  • A Backdoor into Germany: Monty Bounces the Rhine - Andrew Uffindell
  • The Race to Bastogne: Nuts! - Christopher J. Anderson
  • Blunting the Bulge: From the Maas to the Meuse with First Canadian Army - Sean M. Maloney
  • Go Home, This Is Our Goddam Show! Monty Pulls It Off - Charles Vasey
  • Operation Herbstnebel: Smoke over the Ardennes - John Prados
  • Holding Patton: Seventh Panzer Army and the Battle of Luxembourg - Kim H. Campbell
  • Ardennes Disaster: The Iron Curtain Falls on the White House - Peter G. Tsouras

Hitler Triumphant: Alternate Decisions of World War II (scheduled for publication in 2006, edited by Peter G. Tsouras)

In addition to these anthologies, Greenhill has also published some book length "non-fiction" alternate history:

  • Invasion: The Alternate History of the German Invasion of England, July 1940 - Kenneth Macksey (1990)
  • Disaster at D-Day: The Germans Defeat the Allies, June 1944 - Peter G. Tsouras (1994)
  • For Want of a Nail...; If Burgoyne Had Won at Saratoga - Robert N. Sobel (1997)
  • Gettysburg: An Alternate History - Peter G. Tsouras (1997)
  • The Moscow Option: An Alternative Second World War - David Downing (2001)
  • Luftwaffe Victorious: An Alternate History - Mike Spick (2005)