Greek Food Festival (Tallahassee)
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The Greek Food Festival is a festival held in mid-October in Tallahassee, Florida, USA and hosted by the Holy Mother of God Greek Orthodox Church.
[edit] Goal
As in many Greek festivals in the U.S., this festival is part of Tallahassee's rich diversity of cultures. The goal is to give the community a taste of Greek food, Greek music, Greek culture, Greek dancing, and entertainment. At Greek Festivals you will typically find Greek gourmet food, Greek folk music - usually performed by Greek bands, cultural exhibitions including artifacts from Greece and dances performed in costumes of old tradition, and dancing for the public under Greek tunes. It is a community-building event for the parish.
[edit] Foods
Traditional Greek foods like spanikopita, tzatziki, baklava, dolmades, tsoureki, kothropita, skordalia, melitzanosalata, melomakarona, kakavia soup, kapamas, and kourabiedes are made.