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In medicine, gravidity is a technical term that refers to the number of times a woman has been pregnant. A gravida is a pregnant woman. A woman who has never been pregnant is referred to as a nulligravida or gravida 0. A woman who is pregnant for the first time is referred to as a primigravida or gravida 1. A woman who has been pregnant some other number of times is referred to generally as multigravida or more specifically as gravida 2 (also secundigravida), gravida 3, and so on.

Gravida is generally grouped with the term para for the number of viable offspring, and sometimes the addition of abortus to indicate the number of abortions. Combined, the GPA gives a quick overview of a female's obstetric history. G3, P2, A1 would indicate three pregnancies, two live births, and one abortion (abortions may refer to abortions or miscarriages).

[edit] See also

Gravid is term used in entomology to describe a mated female insect.

Gravid is term used in biology to describe the conditon of a female livebearing fish when carrying young internally.