Grave Tusken

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The Grave Tuskens were former Tusken Raiders used by the Dark Jedi Maw as a personal strike force. Their uniforms were similar to the traditional cloth wrappings of the Sand People except they were bluish grey instead of sandy brown.

No one knows how Maw gained the services of the Grave Tuskens. That secret was lost upon his decapitation by Kyle Katarn. What is known is that they were taken from their home on Tatooine and trained to be Maw's personal strike force. They were only a few hundred in number and strangely, they were trained in the use of modified (so as to be easier to use for weaker beings) Wookiee bowcasters. Maw used them to plunder artifacts from the tombs of both light and dark Jedi, which was how they earned their grisly name.

When Maw joined Jerec on his search for the Valley of the Jedi, the Grave Tuskens were stationed on Sulon at the insistence of Boc, who felt that 'something wasn't right'. Boc was correct but didn't find out until much later when 8t88 and Yun reported that Morgan Katarn's son had come after them, cutting a swath through the Tuskens as he went.

The survivors of Sulon found their way off the agricultural moon, and, finding their master dead, became rare and sought after bounty hunters and bodyguards for crimelords all over the galaxy.

Rogg became the Grave Tusken leader in 2 ABY, with Bordo being his second-in-command. Both were killed in 5 ABY, along with their employers, leaving the Grave Tusken leadership in doubt.

[edit] Behind the scenes

Tusken warriors appear in Mysteries of the Sith in and around Ka'Pa's palace. They are identical to the Grave Tuskens of Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight (they are seemingly based on the same CGI model) and also carry bowcasters. It is never clear, however, whether these are indeed Grave Tuskens or ordinary Tusken Raiders, since it is never clear either which planet Ka'Pa's operations are based on.

Given the fact that the outdoor environment is very similar to that of Tatooine, the planet could theoretically be Tatooine, and the Tuskens could theoretically be ordinary Tusken Raiders.

[edit] Appearances