Graphic notation

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Musical graphic notation is a form of music notation which refers to the use of non-traditional symbols and text to convey information about the performance of a piece of music. It is used for experimental music, which in many cases is difficult to notate using standard notation.

Graphic notation can come in various forms:

Graphic scores, in which the music is represented using symbols and illustrations:

Hans-Christoph Steiner's score for Solitude, created using Pure data's data structures.
Hans-Christoph Steiner's score for Solitude, created using Pure data's data structures.

Prose Scores, in which the music and its directions are written as ordinary text, and the interpretation is down to the performer.

3 Line Staves Showing Relative Pitch, with the actual pitches being decided upon performance.

Practitioners of graphic notation include:

[edit] Further reading

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