Grand Inquisitor Isillien

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Grand Inquisitor Isillien is a member of the Scarlet Crusade, in the fictional game World of Warcraft. He is a high ranking member of the zealoted Crusade, and is stationed in Hearthglen, Western Plaguelands. He took Taelan Fordring under his wing, and mentored him, instilling his xenophobia on the young paladin, among other things. He eventually killed Taelan Fordring, when Taelan's father Tirion Fordring, an exiled member of the Order of the Silver Hand, was on his way to meet his estranged son. This enraged Tirion, to the point where he slew Isillien and his guards, singlehandedly. Tirion vowed to reclaim his family lands and take up the banner of the Order of the Silver Hand.