GR 11 (Spain)

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The GR 11 is part of the extensive GR footpath network of paths, tracks and trails. It passes through the Spanish Pyrenees, passing briefly into France on a few occasions. The trail can be walked in both directions - the deciding factor is usually governed by where you are from (Catalunians and Basque people like walking home) but also the heat. Starting in Catalunya makes for hot days which, when lacking in fitness, can prove a difficult challenge - heat is much better tackled when fit.

Moving from west to east, the trail starts at the Atlantic Ocean (Hondarribia near Irún) and finishes at Cabo de Creus (near Cadaqués.) Its exact distance is difficult to measure, roughly 840km and climbs a staggering 38,000 meters. It is separated up into 45 sections for convenience. At the end of each section there is normally a useful stop off point (camping spot, town, hostel, refuge,...) but in general, supplies have to be carried for 3-4 days. As most rivers flow perpendicular to the French/Spanish border the GR11 has much ascent and descent involved - some days as much as 1600 meter ascent (with equivalent descent).

Although some people have been known to complete it in 24 days (or perhaps a bit less), fit walkers normally manage to complete it in about 44 days. Some others don't manage to finish.

The GR 10 is a similar route but on the French side of the border.

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