GPA in the International Baccalauraete

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This is an article about the grading that is being currently used in the International Baccalaureate.

The International Baccalaureate uses an integer scale ranging from 1 through 7.

  • 7: Excellent
  • 6: Very Good
  • 5: Good
  • 4: Satisfactory
  • 3: Mediocre
  • 2: Poor
  • 1: Very Poor

The Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay are graded on an A to E scale.

  • A: Excellent
  • B: Good
  • C: Satisfactory
  • D: Mediocre
  • E: Elementary

Up to three bonus points (for an A and a B) can be awarded for good performance on these essays. An E on both Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay is a failing condition, preventing a diploma from being awarded.

Students in the IB Diploma Programme are graded in six subjects for a total of 42 points, and the possible three points which are awarded for the Theory of Knowledge subject and the Extended Essay bring the maximum up to 45. For the diploma to be awarded students must accumulate at least 24 points, and there are restrictions on the number of grades below 4 which are tolerated. This requires an average grade of 4, but in some cases a grade of 3 or 2 can be compensated by a grade of 5 or better in an other subject, or by bonus points from good performance on the Extended Essay and/or Theory of Knowledge. In admission to university programs, the IB grades are often converted to a local or national assessment system by some appropriate formula. The standard conversion from the IB integer scale to a percentage value are as follow:

  • 7:96%-100%
  • 6:90%-96%
  • 5:80%-89%
  • 4:67%-79%
  • 3:60%-66%
  • 2:51%-59%
  • 1::0%-51%