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Gotonpo is the ninja art of concealing oneself using the five elements of earth, fire, water, wood, and metal.

Doton no jutsu
Literally "Earth Evasion". Includes such concepts as using bushes or other natural obstacles to hide, raising clouds of dirt, using sand or dirt to blind the enemy (metsubushi), and related techniques.
Mokuton no jutsu
Literally "Wood Evasion". Usually refers to the use of trees, climbing trees, running up trees, or various rope techniques (Shoten-no-jutsu) used with trees.
Suiton no jutsu
Literally "Water Evasion". This could be concealment in a river or lake, or using water for metsubushi.
Katon no jutsu
Literally "Fire Evasion". Smokescreens, explosives, pepper bombs, and tactical fires fall into this category. Using explosives to blind opponents (for instance, the pepper bomb) is known as Nagedama.
Rinton no jutsu
Literally "Metal Evasion". Shurikenjutsu (the art of blade-throwing) is often an important part of this. Shuriken, as well as other metal weapons, could be used to reflect sunlight into an opponents eyes, or act as a distraction.

Gotonpo is often portrayed as a magical art in fantasy depictions of ninja, allowing the user to perform feats such as hurling balls of fire or dissolving into mist.

[edit] See also

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