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Fossil range: Late Cretaceous
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Sauropsida
Superorder: Dinosauria
Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Sauropodomorpha
Infraorder: Sauropoda
(unranked) Titanosauria
Genus: Gondwanatitan
Binomial name
Gondwanatitan faustoi
Kellner & de Azevedo, 1999

Gondwanatitan (meaning "Gondwana titan") was a titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur. Gondwanatitan was found in Brazil, at the time part of the southern supercontinent Gondwana, in the late Cretaceous Period (70 mya). Like some other sauropods, Gondwanatitan was tall and ate tough shoots and leaves off of the tops of trees. Some of this dinosaur's cousins include Brachiosaurus, Sauroposeidon, and Malawisaurus.

The type species is Gondwanatitan faustoi, formally described by Kellner and de Azevedo in 1999.

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