Golden Age of Danish Painting

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The Golden Age of Danish Painting is the term commonly used to describe the period of creative production between 1800 - ca. 1850. It encompasses the work of Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg and his students including (but not limited to) Wilhelm Bendz, Christen Købke, Martinus Rørbye, Constantin Hansen, and Wilhelm Marstrand as well the sculpture of Bertel Thorvaldsen.

During this period there was a general increase in Danish art, i.e. art produced by Danes who were trained in Denmark, and who took inspiration in their own country's thematic material. Non-visual artists associated with this period include writers Adam Oehlenschläger, Bernhard Severin Ingemann and Hans Christian Andersen, and ballet master and choreographer August Bournonville. The writing of Søren Kierkegaard and Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig is also often thought of when discussing this period.

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