Going Coastal
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Going Coastal is a 2005 EPA award winning 501(c)(3) nonprofit grassroots organization dedicated to connecting people to coastal resources by raising awareness of the coast's immense value. They promote understanding, appreciation, enjoyment, and preservation of the urban coastal environment by producing books, media, art programs, exhibits, events, and community outreach programs.
Going Coastal, Inc. is founded by Barbara La Rocco and Zhennya Slootskin, two women concerned with the evolving state of urban coasts, lack of awareness and participation by the public, and the inadequacy of current resources for enjoying and preserving the coastline.
They publish Going Coastal New York City, a guide to waterfront access in the five boroughs. The guide informs residents and visitors about the recreational, cultural, historic and natural coastal resources on NYC’s 578 miles of shoreline and outlines ways for them to participate in the preservation and restoration of the waterfront.
Going Coastal also restored to print and updated A Maritime History of New York to increase awareness of the city as a seaport. The title, originally compiled by the WPA Writers’ Project, had been out of print since 1941. Its efforts to make the book available were acknowledged in Proclamations issued by both the Mayor’s Office and the City Council.
Each summer, Going Coastal conducts an awareness raising campaign to get the word out to both marina operators and pleasure boaters about what they can do in their day-to-day activities to help protect water quality in the NY-NJ Harbor Estuary ecosystem. The campaign’s Clean Boating Map and GREEN Marina Poster are great vehicles for getting marina operators, patrons and transient boaters to actively participate in protecting water quality in the Harbor Estuary. The handy postcard-sized map and desk calendar inform about marine sanitation rules, No Discharge Zones and No Wake Areas in the NY Harbor Estuary. A pumpout safely removes sewage from a ship's holding tank. Marinas and boating clubs are giving out 15,000 Clean Boating maps this summer.
New York City's 79TH Street Boat Basin received the first-ever “Clean Marina” Award given by Going Coastal to recognize the marina for going above and beyond required environmental regulations in their commitment to clean water, improving operations and boater education.
Going Coastal produces a Manhattan Circumnavigation Map for kayakers and several other online resources available free at http://goingcoastal.org.
Going Coastal is a television program aired on Canadian music television station MuchMusic on Sundays at 13:00 and 6:00 ET.
Because MuchMusic is located in [[Torolink titlento]], and its programming tends to be based in that particular region, Going Coastal is to recognize and promote artists and bands from the music scene of the coastal regions of Canada, specifically the British Columbia and the Maritimes.
The program is hosted by Chris Nelson and Matt Wells. The program also features Nardwuar the Human Serviette.