Goa Engineering College

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Goa Engineering College is located in Farmagudi, Ponda and is the oldest and foremost engineering college in Goa. Founded in 1967, it is a government run college also known as Government Engineering College, Goa College of Engineering, Goa. It is the only NBA accredited degree level engineering college in the state of Goa.


[edit] Current branches

The college presently has six branches of engineering, namely, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics, Electronics and Telecommunication, Computer Engineering and Information Technology. Courses in Mechanical, Civil and Electrical were started since inception.

Further courses were then added: Electronics and Telecommunication in 1982, Computer Science in 1988 and Information Technology in 2001.

The National Board of Accreditation (NBA) has accredited 3 branches of the college. (Mar-Apr '06) They are the Mechanical, Civil and Electronics and Telecommunications branches of the College. This means the academic curriculum and the teaching learning process is of a good standard, with adequate infrastructure and faculty, acceptable to the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) the autonomous body, created by a bill in Parliament which overlooks at maintaining standards in technical education in the country..

[edit] Engicos

The students of Goa Engineering College call themselves Engicos. The college hosts their cultural festival, "Happenings", once every year, which features Goa's premier rock show and has hosted bands like Zero, Millennium in 1997, Parikrama in 1998, Pentagram in 1996 and 1999, Ezee Meat in 1997, Brahma in 2000, PDV, Moksha, Metakix, Psychomotor,Sceptre in 04-05.

The college also has one of the foremost installations of the E-learning software hosted by the Mechanical Engineering Department. It is a Free and Open Source Software and is called MOODLE (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) loginto http://www.gec.ac.in/me/mymoodle , login as newuser and password newuser to walk through the site.

The college has a very active Nature Club which organises occasional tree planting programmes in the Farmagudi campus and organises treks to many exciting trekking locations in Goa. Some of the treks conducted were to DudhSagar, Keri, Mainapi falls, Tamdi Surla falls etc.

[edit] Current intake, Principal

The college has an annual intake of almost 360 students (and an equal number of other animals i.e cattle and dogs of lower pedigree)in the different branches. This was increased from the existing 150 in 2001. The college continues to foster brilliant, competent engineers despite the dilution of talent due to the commencement of two more private engineering colleges in the state and the increase in intake.

The present Principal is on one year contract and is Prof Krishna M Gupt , a retired professor in Material science of IIT Bombay, Mumbai and is of no use and on a paid holiday.

[edit] Prominent alumni

Among the prominent alumni of the GEC is Ashank Desai (Class of 1971), who currently heads the prestigious Mumbai-based Indian software firm called Mastek. The other famous alumnus is Prof. Mangesh Korgaonkar of IIT Bombay.

[edit] Prestigious events

Happenings: An All-Goa Youth Fest organised by Goa Engineering College. Website: http://www.gechappenings.com

Richard M Stallman founder of the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation visited the Goa Engineering College, and delivered a talk in November 2002.

Recently a study by reputed magazine in India ranked this college as the 75th. More information can be found at http://www.dqindia.com/images06/Complete%20Score%20Card.pdf

[edit] External links

Official website