Glossary of category theory

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This is a glossary of properties and concepts in category theory in mathematics.


[edit] Categories

A category A is said to be:

  • small provided that the object class is a set (i.e., not proper class); otherwise large.
  • locally small provided that the morphisms between every pair of objects A and B form a set.
  • quasicategory provided that objects in A may not form a class and morphisms between objects A and B may not form a set.
  • isomorphic to a category B provided that there exists an isomorphism between them.
  • equivalent to a category B provided that there exists an equivalence between them.
  • concrete provided that there exists a faithful functor from A to Set; e.g., Vec, Grp and Top.
  • discrete provided that each morphism is the identity morphism.
  • thin category provided that there is at most one morphism between objects A and B.
  • a subcategory of a category B provided that there exists an inclusion functor from A to B.
  • a full subcategory of a category B provided that the inclusion functor is full.
  • wellpowered provided for each A-object A there is only a set of pairwise nonisomorphic subobjects.

[edit] Morphisms

A morphism f in a category is said to be:

  • an epimorphism provided that g = h whenever g\circ f=h\circ f. In other words, f is the dual of a monomorphism.
  • an identity provided that f maps an object A to A and for any morphisms g with domain A and h with codomain A, g\circ f=g and f\circ h=h.
  • an inverse to a morphism g if g\circ f is defined and is equal to the identity morphism on the domain of f, and f\circ g is defined and equal to the identity morphism on the codomain of g. The inverse of g is unique and is denoted by f -1
  • an isomorphism provided that there exists an inverse of f.
  • a monomorphism provided that g = h whenever f\circ g=f\circ h. In other words, f is the dual of an epimorphism.

[edit] Functors

A functor F is said to be:

  • a constant provided that F maps every object in a category to the same object A and every morphism to the identity on A.
  • faithful provided that F is injective when restricted to each hom-set.
  • full provided that F is surjective when restricted to each hom-set.
  • isomorphism-dense (sometimes called essentially surjective) provided that for every B there exists an A such that F(A) is isomorphic to B.
  • an equivalence provided that F is faithful, full and isomorphism-dense.
  • reflect identities provided that if F(k) is an identity then k is an identity as well.

[edit] Objects

An object A in a category is said to be:

  • isomorphic to an object B provided that there is an isomorphism between A and B.
  • initial provided that there is exactly one morphism from A to each object B.
  • terminal provided that there is exactly one morphism from each object B to A.
  • zero object if it is both initial and terminal.