User talk:Gleng/chiropractic

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[edit] Answers

Q1. The words of Ernst Mayr, a prominent critic of vitalism, but writing in 2002 after the growth of systems biology and the mathematical development of theories underlying emergent behavior:

It would be ahistorical to ridicule vitalists. When one reads the writings of one of the leading vitalists like Driesch one is forced to agree with him that many of the basic problems of biology simply cannot be solved by a philosophy as that of Descartes, in which the organism is simply considered a machine…..The logic of the critique of the vitalists was impeccable. But all their efforts to find a scientific answer to all the so-called vitalistic phenomena were failures.… rejecting the philosophy of reductionism is not an attack on analysis. No complex system can be understood except through careful analysis. However the interactions of the components must be considered as much as the properties of the isolated components [1]


The Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) is the source of performance metrics for Science Journals. It lists the impact factors (citation rates) for the top 6088 scientific journals. In the latest listings (they change every year) Cell is ranked 10th (of 6088) with an IF of 29.4 just ahead of Nature (at 29.3) JMPT is 0.76 (number 3809 in the list); J Roy Soc Med is number 4168 (at 0.652).

Contemporary Sexuality is not included in the top 6088.

It is a monthly newsletter on sex, published for members of the American Association of Sexuality Educators Counselors & Therapists (AASECT). [2]. It does not claim to be an academic journal, or to be peer reviewed (see [3] as an example), and is not included in PubMed. Archives of the newsletters are (mostly) available from the AASECT site [4]. Some are missing, for unexplained reasons

P.S. Which is the odd one out? Alcmaeon of Croton, Aristotle, Berzelius, Driesch, Empodecles, David Icke, Lamarck, Pasteur, Reichenbach

Hint, only one of these is famous for a strictly molecular biological, reductionist explanation for complex phenomena.

OK. Too easy, all are known as vitalists except for Icke. But what else do the others have in common?