Giles Fletcher, the Elder
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Giles Fletcher, the Elder (c.1548-1611) was an English poet and diplomat, member of the English Parliament.
In 1588 he was an ambassador to Russia to reestablish the treaty with tsar Feodor I of Russia. Fletcher published a treatise, Of the Russe Common Wealth (1591).
He is known for his sonnet series, Licia (1593).
He is the father of the poet, Giles Fletcher, the Younger.
[edit] "Of the Russe Common Wealth"
The account consists of the following chapters.
- Geographical
- Of the length and bredth of the countrey of Russia, with the names of the shires.
- Of the soile and climate.
- Of the natiue commodities of the countrey.
- Political (State and Church)
- Of the constitution or state of the Russe Common wealth.
- Of their Parliaments, and maner of holding them,
- Of the Russe Nobilitie and meanes whereby it is kept in an vnder proportion agreeable to that state.
- Of the maner of gouerning their prouinces of shires
- Of the Emperours priuie counsell.
- Of the Emperors customs and their reuenues, with the practises for the increase of them.
- Of the Russe communaltie and their condition.
- Of their publike iustice and maner of proceeding therein.
- Of the Emperors forces for his warres, with the chiefe officers, and their salarie or pay.
- Of their maner of mustering, armour, and prouision for victuall.
- Of their ordering, marching, charging, and their martiall discipline.
- Of their colonies and policie in maintaining their purchases by conquest.
- Of their borderers with whom they haue most to doe in warre and peace.
- Of their church officers and degrees.
- Of their liturgie or forme of Church seruice.
- Of their maner of administring the Sacraments.
- Of the doctrine of the Russe church.
- Of the maner of solemnizing their marriages.
- Of the other ceremonies of the Russe church.
- Social
- Of the Emperors household officers, and order of his house.
- Of the priuate behauiour and maner of the Russe people.
[edit] Reference
- Of the Russe Common Wealth. Or, Maner of gouernement of the Russe emperour, (commonly called the Emperour of Moskouia) with the manners, and fashions of the people of that countrey, London (1591), facsimile reprint (1966)