Gesiel Theodoro da Silva

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Gesiel Júnior
Gesiel Júnior

Gesiel Theodoro da Silva Junior was born on December 2, 1963, in Águas de Santa Bárbara, São Paulo, Brazil. He currently lives and works as a writer, journalist and biographer in Avaré, São Paulo, Brazil . Gesiel studied Philosophy and Theology at Seminario Maior de Botucatu. In 1979, he began his career at the newspaper “O Avare”. He also served for six years as a correspondent at Agência Estado, when he wrote articles at O Estado de São Paulo and Jornal da Tarde. Thereafter he was nominated the Secretary of Communication for the city of Avaré (1993-1996). He is the founder and the president of the Historic and Geographic Institute of Avaré –IHGA. As a journalist he writes for newspapers and magazines. He has written numerous researches and articles about Regional Memory Preservation.

[edit] Works

  • "Monsenhor Celso - A história de um Padre" - 1997
  • "Santa Bárbara, seu monge e sua igreja" - 1998
  • "Padre Emílio, Dr. Immoos" - 1999-(Work translated for the German language and distributed in Switzerland - Pater Emilio, Dr. Immoos) -
  • "Mãe e Mestra - Vida e obra da Professora Izabel Pires Carvalho" - 1979
  • "História de Djanira, brasileira de Avaré" - 2000 -
  • "Maneco Dionísio - Biografia de Manoel Marcellino de Souza Franco" - 2001 -
  • "Dom Vicente Zioni - Mestre da Fé" - 2001
  • "Madre Paulina - Uma santa passou por Avaré" - 2002 -
  • "Reflexos - Coletânea de Leituras Espirituais" - 2002
  • "História da Paróquia de Nossa Senhora das Dores - Avaré" - 2003
  • "Reflexos II - Coletânea de Leituras Espirituais" - 2003
  • "Contando a Arte de Djanira" - 2004
  • "Dom Sílvio - A história de um Bispo" - 2004
  • "Professor Celso Ferreira - Uma lição de vida" - 2005
  • "Avaré: terra do verde, da água e do sol" - 2006
  • "Reflexos III - Coletânea de Leituras Espirituais", Editora Gril - 2006

[edit] External links

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