Germanic runic astrology
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Germanic runic astrology is a school of thought of its usage in divination within romanticist and occult traditions of Odinism based on the various Rune rows.
Germanic runic astrology is also known as Norse astrology, Nordic astrology and Teutonic astrology, Germanic astrology and Runic astrology.
[edit] Nazis
The National Socialist party of Germany had its own official occulitic centres and imprisoned numerous other astrologers, pendulumists, runic germanic revivalists that where not authorised by the Third Reich. The Nazis didn't hold much regard for Astrology due to its non-Aryan roots, but during the war took measures to utilise it, especially with the Flight of Rudolf Hess as he was obsessed with Astrology and the Occult. It is believed that he even flew on a peace mission to Britain based on Astrological advice from his circle of astrologers and occultists.
- For more information on Pendum dowsing and astrology in the Third Reich please see Pendulum usage and astrology in the Third Reich.
[edit] Notable Odinist astrologers
[edit] References
- 'Runic Astrology: Starcraft and Timekeeping in the Northern Tradition' by Nigel Pennick
- 'The Complete Illustrated Guide to the Runes by Nigel Pennick' (chapters 'Runic Numerology', 'Runic Space', 'The Time Houses of the Runes', 'The Twelve Halls of Heaven' and 'Divining the Future'.)
- 'Northern Mysteries and Magick: Runes, Gods and Feminine Powers' by Freya Aswynn (revised edition of Leaves of Yggdrasil)
- 'Leaves of Yggdrasil: A Synthesis of Rune Gods' Magic Feminine Mysteries Folklore' by Freya Aswynn
- 'Mercury as Odin' by Jodie Forrest which featured in Issue 58 of Vor Tru [1]). It first appeared in The Mountain Astrologer][2] (TMA) of Aug/Sept 1996. The article was revised for submission to Vor Tru, because TMA is written mostly by and for professional astrologers. It was, in issue 58 of Vor Tru, the first in a planned series applying the Norse pantheon to modern western astrology's interpretations of the planets. It also covers the history of Astrology within Odinism
- 'Astrological Mars and the Norse God Tyr' by Jodie Forrest
- 'Solar Deities in Norse Mythology' or 'Freya As Venus' by Jodie Forrest
- 'Die Religion der Ario-Germanen in ihrer Esoterik und Exoerik' (The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic People in its Esoteric and Exoteric Aspects) by Guido von List It has recently been translated into English. It was written in 1909 and is a discussion of the Armanic theories of Astrological lore, theology and numerology. [3] [4]
- 'Tungltal: Germanic lunar reckoning and its implications' - parts 1 and 2 by Paul Fosterjohn which featured in issues 18 and 19 of Ian Reads Runa magazine.
- 'Viking Age Star and Constellation Names' by the Viking Answer Lady
- 'Zodiac and Swastika: Astrologer to Himmler's Court' by Wilhelm Wulff
- 'Temple of Wotan: Holy Book of the Aryan Tribes' by Ron McVan - on page 226/227 McVan gives the Nordic Zodiac in written and diagram form.
- Astrology and the Runes by the Odinist Library