German Shepherd Dog

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German Shepherd Dog
German Shepherd panting after a run in dog agility
German Shepherd panting after a run in dog agility
Alternative names
Deutscher Schäferhund
Country of origin
Classification and breed standards
FCI: Group 1 Section 1 #166 Stds
AKC: Herding Stds
ANKC: Group 5 (Working Dogs) Stds
CKC: Group 7 - Herding Dogs Stds
KC (UK): Pastoral Stds
NZKC: Working Stds
UKC: Herding Dog Stds

The German Shepherd Dog or Alsatian (See History), is a breed of dog. German Shepherds are highly intelligent, agile and well-suited to active working environments. They are often deployed in varied roles such as police work, guarding, Search and Rescue and in the military. They can also be found working as guide dogs for the blind. Despite their suitability for such work, German Shepherds can also make loyal and loving pets inside the home. They enjoy being around people (including children) and other animals. German Shepherds are well-suited to obedience, with advanced & prestigious titles available to test both the handler and dog in various schutzhund trials.


[edit] Appearance

 Black and Tan German Shepherd - The outer coat is thick and harsh, the under coat is soft and dense
Black and Tan German Shepherd - The outer coat is thick and harsh, the under coat is soft and dense

The German Shepherd Dog is a large, strong, and handsome dog. The fur is a double-coat and can be either short or long haired. It varies in color, coming in many different shades, mostly cream (tan) and brown, but also solid black, white, or silver. Dogs with coats that have tricolored hair (black and white with either brown or red) are called sable or agouti. Different kennel clubs have different standards for the breed according to size, weight, coat color, and structure.

German Shepherd puppy at 8 weeks old
German Shepherd puppy at 8 weeks old

[edit] Common faults in show dogs

There are several common features that are disqualifying faults in show dogs:

  • Ears that are not completely erect, usually when the top portion of the ear flops. These are called "friendly-tipped" dogs.
  • A small percentage of German Shepherds have a curled tail. This is also a disqualifying fault.
  • A muzzle that is not predominantly black is considered a disqualification only under American show standards.

[edit] Breed lines

There are a number of different types or lines of German Shepherd in which the behavior, abilities, and appearance of each is quite different. The major lines are the international working line, the international show line, and the North American show line

 Black Sable (or gray) German Shepherd - the original color and still common in working lines
Black Sable (or gray) German Shepherd - the original color and still common in working lines

Dogs from FCI - recognized international working lines are bred primarily for traits involving their working ability rather than appearance, so their appearance can be somewhat varied.

The FCI-recognized international show lines differ in that more emphasis is placed on the dog's appearance when breeding, so that show quality traits are retained.

The North American show lines have also been bred primarily for their looks, but have a markedly different appearance from the international show line shepherd, featuring a more noticeably sloped back and sharper angles of the hock joint. There is a current debate over whether the American show line still represents the original German Shepherd Dog, or if the line has diverged enough over the years to be considered a separate breed. Critics of the American line argue that the working ability of these dogs has been diminished, and that the angled back is detrimental to the health of the animal. Proponents of the line believe that the altered bone structure of the American line improves the dog's herding ability.

In the former East Germany, German Shepherds adhered more closely to the old prewar standard, marked by a straighter back, a longer and denser coat, and a darker color. These dogs are now praised for their working ability as they are less prone to hip dysplasia. There are current attempts to preserve this distinct line and raise it to the status of an officially recognized breed ("East German Shepherd Dog").

[edit] Variant sizes and coats

Some groups or breeders have focused on variants of the breed that are not recognized by most kennel clubs as standard show German Shepherds. White Shepherds are recognized as a separate breed.

The German lines of the German Shepherd tend to be larger dogs with a broader head and darker coat. With the "Americanization" of the German Shepherd, many of the dogs have become smaller with less sloping to their hips. These lines can also show more of the silver and black coat coloring as opposed to the black and tan/brown coat of the German lines

White coat

A white (or very light), but not albino, version of the German Shepherd has also always occurred, but was designated a disqualifying fault in the American Kennel Club during the late 1960s. The breed line originated from a white shepherd dog.

It is important to note that the Nazis took the SV (German Shepherd) breeding program away from Max von Stephanitz and then outlawed the white coat color. The white shepherd is recognized as a separate breed by the International (FCI) Fédération Cynologique Internationale since 2002 and by the United Kennel club for several years.

The white coat, however, does not prevent the white-coated German Shepherd Dog from being registered in the AKC as a German Shepherd Dog. White Shepherds hold champion titles in the UKC (United Kennel Club). Reputable breeders selectively breed White Shepherds sound temperament, physical structure, striving for a Shepherd that closely resembles the original dog; less angular than today's AKC German Shepherd breed standards. See the American White Shepherd Association for more detail on the standards for the white shepherd or for white German Shepherd dogs see:WGSDCA The white German Shepherd has been recognized by some organizations under the name Berger Blanc Suisse (or White Shepherd Dog).

Long-haired coat 
The so-called "long-haired German Shepherd" is considered a "fault" in the German Shepherd Dog breed according to American Kennel Club standards as well as the International (FCI) breed standard. The long hair gene is recessive. Dogs with this coat look somewhat like the Tervueren type of Belgian Shepherd Dog. Popular myth holds that long-haired GSDs ("fuzzies") are more affectionate, but there is little evidence for this. Long coats usually have no or little undercoat, thus they can be rather sensitive to extreme weather.
Long Haired German Shepherd
Long Haired German Shepherd
Giant shepherd & Shiloh Shepherd
The Shiloh Shepherd is not just a "larger version" of a German Shepherd. The Original breeder of the Shiloh Shepherd wanted to breed a dog that embodied what the German Shepherd originally and legendarily embodied in spirit and temperament, as the present shepherds were being bred to be more aggressive and less reliable with children and other animals.The King Shepherd is a larger variation of the German Shepherd but is not accepted in the AKC ring. When shepherds are bred this large, they become structurally unsound and their size prevents them from fitting the AKC's breed standard description of their "rugged strength and agility".

[edit] Temperament

While playing with a cat, a shepherd's teeth are displayed.
While playing with a cat, a shepherd's teeth are displayed.

Well-bred GSDs have powerful jaws and strong teeth, can develop a strong sense of loyalty and obedience, and can be trained to attack and release on command. Poorly bred GSDs such as those from puppy mills can be fearful, overly aggressive, or both. GSDs (like Pit Bulls, Rottweilers and Dobermans), are often perceived as inherently dangerous, and are the target of Breed Specific Legislation in several countries. If a GSD is violent or aggressive, it is often due to the combination of poor breeding and the owner's lack of control or training. GSDs are often used as guard, attack and police dogs, which further contributes to the perception of being a dangerous breed. However, many GSDs function perfectly well as search dogs and family pets - roles where aggressive behavior is unsuitable.

GSDs' sense of loyalty and emotional bond with their owners is almost impossible to overstate. Separation trauma is one reason they are now used less often in guide dog roles, since guide dogs are typically trained from puppyhood by one owner prior to final placement with their employer.

GSDs can make loyal and obedient pets.
GSDs can make loyal and obedient pets.

[edit] Temperament differences among lines

The different types or lines of GSD display differences not only in appearance but also in ability and temperament.

Dogs from working lines have very high energy, and have been bred to have a natural drive for protection, tracking, and obedience. They are bred primarily for consistent temperament, working drive, and intelligence. These dogs can be used as pets, but will be unhappy if not exercised daily or trained to do a job of some sort. Many of these dogs populate dog pounds in North America due to their destructive tendencies when not properly trained.

German and Eastern European lines tend to be stockier, with shorter snouts and more muscular chests, and typify the working lines.

North American lines have a tendency towards a longer croup, longer back, higher wither and temperament ideal for companionship. They do not require constant stimulation to keep them from becoming bored and possibly demonstrating destructive behaviors.

These dogs can make excellent pets, provided that a responsible breeder has not sacrificed consistent temperament or health in the quest for popular standards for good looks.

[edit] Health

As is common in many large breeds, German Shepherds are prone to elbow and hip dysplasia. Other health problems sometimes occurring in the breed are von Willebrand's disease and skin allergies. It is also prudent to check the eye and ear health as GSD can tend to have problems with these as well. German Shepherds are also prone to bloat. They have an average lifespan of 10-13 years.

[edit] History

The breed was originated by Captain Max von Stephanitz in the late 19th century and early 20th century. His goal was to breed an all-purpose working dog. The first registered GSD was Horand v. Grafrath [1]. Von Stephanitz admired the landrace herding dogs of his native German Empire, and believed they had the potential to be all-purpose working dogs. Additionally, he was aware of the declining need for herding dogs and believed that the working abilities of the breed would decline unless it was put to other uses. Von Stephanitz created the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde [2], or SV as the official governing body for the breed.

The SV then created the schutzhund trial as a breed test for the German Shepherd Dog, and prohibited the breeding of any dog which could not pass the trial. The schutzhund trial, along with the SV's conviction that "German Shepherd breeding is working dog breeding, or it is not German Shepherd breeding" led to a rapid development of the breed's abilities.

After World War I, British and American soldiers, impressed by the abilities of the dog, brought home examples to breed. The breed instantly became popular, both as a family pet and as a working dog.

GSDs commonly display high intelligence, which makes them ideal candidates for working dogs.
GSDs commonly display high intelligence, which makes them ideal candidates for working dogs.

[edit] Working German Shepherd Dogs

German Shepherds often compete and excel in obedience trials and Schutzhund competitions. German Shepherds are also often trained as police dogs, due to their trainability, size, work drive, and general appearance which commands respect.

[edit] Sheep herding

The original purpose for the German Shepherd Dog was (not surprisingly) to herd sheep, cattle, or any other animal that might require the assistance of a shepherd. Even given the name "Shepherd", some people are surprised to hear that these dogs were bred for herding, as the GSD is more often found working as a guard dog, police dog, or companion pet than in the field working sheep.

The German Shepherd Dog does not have the "eye" that Border Collies or some other similar breeds have. They are trained to follow their instinct, which for the GSD is to "work the furrow", meaning that they will patrol a boundary all day and restrict the animals being herded from entering or leaving the designated area. It is this instinct that has made the breed superb guarding dogs, protecting their flock (or family).

A German Shepherd Dog's instincts to herd might manifest themselves by the dog closely watching or even nipping at members of its family as they go for walks. The dog might attempt to lead people to what it perceives is the correct location, even going so far as to gently take a hand in his teeth to lead the person. With some training, this can become a trick, sometimes known as "walk the human."

[edit] Miscellaneous

[edit] Breed names

The proper English name for the breed is German Shepherd Dog (a literal translation from the German "Deutscher Schäferhund") but they are usually informally referred to as GSDs or simply German Shepherds. In addition, the sobriquet police dog is used in many countries where the GSD is the predominant or exclusive breed used in the canine police force.

The name Alsatian is also commonly used in the United Kingdom and countries of the Commonwealth of Nations. After World War I, a few dogs were taken to England and the United States. In 1919, the English Kennel Club gave the breed a separate register. At that time, the English owners renamed the dog as the Alsatian Shepherd (based on the breed's origination from the German-French border area of Alsace-Lorraine); It was feared that the German Shepherd Dog name could be an impediment owing to anti-German feelings still present after the War. Only in 1930 did the British Kennel Club authorize the breed to be known again as the German Shepherd Dog.

[edit] Popularity in the U.S.

Based on 2005 American Kennel Club statistics, German Shepherd Dogs are the fourth most popular breed of dog in the United States with approximately 45,000 new registrations during the year [3].

[edit] See also

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