Gerald del Campo

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Gerald Enrique del Campo (b. 1960) is a poet, musician, song writer, photographer, magician, philosopher, author, and lecturer on occult and religious topics. He was born in Córdoba, Argentina on January 14, 1960. He emigrated to the United States with his parents when he was eight years old.


[edit] Biography

Gerald del Campo attended Catholic School in North Hollywood, California when he first arrived to America. During his early school years he showed a special aptitude towards science, mathematics, languages, and religious-philosophical studies. At a very young age, he asked to be prepared for the Catholic Priesthood, but over the years his enthusiasm for Catholicism faded. He began corresponding with the various Rosicrucian Orders, the Martinists, the Center for Self Realization, and an assortment of other groups. During this period he had become acutely aware of an occult movement which was taking place in the 1970's mostly from the warnings of his teachers, and became interested in the subjects of comparative religion, philosophy and metaphysics, all of which led to his fascination with the occult itself.

In 1975, when del Campo was 15 years old, a complete stranger handed him The Book of the Law, which altered his course dramatically. This led him to the direction of Aleister Crowley's writings and Thelema.

From 1982 till 1986, he studied Enochian magic with David Kennedy, Israel Regardie's personal secretary. In 1987 he joined Ordo Templi Orientis, where he eventually became Master of RPSTOVAL Oasis. Later he served that Order in the capacity of Quartermaster and volunteered to serve an eleven year term with the OTO's Electoral College. From 1988 until 1990 he was a member of the College of Thelema and studied under Phyllis Seckler. In 1989, he was a founding member of the Temple of Thelema. In that same year he joined Fraternitas Lux Occulta and studied under Paul Clark. In 1998 he became a members of The Hermetic Order of QBLH. He founded the The Order of Thelemic Knights, a Thelemic charitable organization based on the virtues soldiering and chivalry as exemplified by Templarism on August 23, 1999.

In August 2006, due to conflicts within the Order, Gerald del Campo resigned from the OTO after 20 years membership.

[edit] Timeline of major events

  • Joins Ordo Templi Orientis 1987
  • Becomes a student at the College of Thelema 1988 - 1990
  • Founding member of Temple of Thelema 1988 - 1989
  • Master OTO RPSTOVAL Oasis 1989 - 1995
  • Member Fraternitas LUX Occulta 1988 - 1989
  • Ordo Templi Orientis Quarter Master 1989 - 1992
  • Ordained Priest in EGC by Lon DuQuette in Los Angeles on August, 4 1991
  • New Aeon Magick: Thelema Without Tears is published March 21, 1993
  • Served as senator in Ordo Templi Orientis Electoral College 1993-2004
  • New Aeon Magick is adopted by the Pagan Student Alliance at the University of Texas, Austin in 1997.
  • Member QBLH 1998-2002
  • QBLH Education Committee 2000 - 2001
  • Founding Member of Aleister Crowley Foundation 1998
  • Founder and Grand Master of Order of Thelemic Knights August 23, 1999
  • New Aeon English Qabalah Revealed is published July 4, 2001
  • Consecrated Bishop by Ecclesia Gnostic Catholica Hermetica. Adopted Tau Apollonius as name January 1, 2003
  • Founder and Patriarch of the Thelemic Gnostic Church of Alexandria January 1, 2003
  • Education Committee North American College of Gnostic Bishops June 6, 2003 -2006
  • Became head of Aleister Crowley Foundation 2004
  • Ethics committee North American College of Gnostic Bishops March 2, 2006
  • Resigned from the OTO after 20 years membership August, 2006

[edit] Writings

As of today, Gerald del Campo has published two books. New Aeon Magick: Thelema Without Tears, (First edition 1994, Llewellyn Worldwide - Second edition Luxor Press 2000) and New Aeon English Qabalah Revealed (Luxor Press 2001).

New Aeon Magick is unique, in that rather than recycling already published material, it is focused on Thelema as it had manifested in his life at the time. It is also an excellent Hermetic Qabalah and comparative mythology source.

New Aeon English Qabalah Revealed is a primer on the New Aeon English Qabalah and a system of gematria referred to as Cipher 6. In this book, del Campo shows the relationship between the English letters and some very important passages of The Book of the Law.

Mr. del Campo is a prolific writer who is concerned with the positive and responsible promulgation of the Law of Thelema. Many of his writings have been translated into various languages and some have become either recommended or required reading at various universities around the world.

[edit] Partial bibliography

The following list include some of his more popular writings in the area of Thelema, religion, philosophy and mythology which have appeared in various magical journals are listed in order. They do not include his poetry or dissertations on photography, brewing or technical writings:

  • "On Animal Sacrifice (1985)
  • "Latin Banishing Ritual of The Pentagram" Winter of 1986
  • "On the Use of Blood in Ritual" 1986
  • "De Matrimonium et Reconciliato Inter Ingenium et Motus et Fructus Coniunctio Summ" 1987
  • "On The Use of Blood in Ritual" 1988
  • "The Problem With Secular Democratic Politics" July 4th 1992
  • New Aeon Magick: Thelema Without Tears is published March 21, 1994 (First edition 1994, Llewellyn Worldwide - Second edition Luxor Press 2000)
  • "Introduction To Qabalah" is published on the web in 1996, and becomes recommended reading for a class on Jungian Psychology at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
  • "Officium De Sacerdotium" 1998
  • "Alchemy: The Struggle for Immortality" is published on web site in 1998, and it becomes required reading for "Egyptian Chemistry" at the National University of Singapore from 1998-2003.
  • "Rabelais: The First Thelemite" 1999
  • "St. Joan of Arc" 1999
  • "Saladin" 1999
  • "Sir William Wallace" 1999
  • "Malcolm X" 2000
  • "Crazy Horse" 2000
  • "Rosaleen Norton" 2000
  • "Mansur al-Hallaj" 2000
  • "Emiliano Zapata" 2000
  • "Hypatia of Alexandria" 2000
  • "The Progression of The Ego Into The Self via The Law of Thelema" 2001
  • "To Gnow or Not To Gnow" March 2001
  • "Chivalry Is Not Dead" 2001
  • "Why Thelema Implies Responsibility" 2001
  • "After 9/11" 2002
  • "On The Importance of Studying The Book of The Law" 2002
  • "To All Children" 2002
  • "New Aeon English Qabalah Revealed" is published (Luxor Press 2001).
  • "Basic Techniques for Performing Sex Magick" 2002
  • "Why Does Religion Get Such a Bad Rap?" 2003
  • "A Short Article of The Subject of Thelemic Gnosticism" 2003
  • "A Brief Introduction to The Religion of Thelema" 2003
  • "Bakhti and The Order" 2002 for OTK
  • "The Sword" December 2002
  • "A Short Treatise on Buddhism" 2002
  • "A Short Article on The Unfolding of Thelema" 2003
  • "There is No God But Man - Really?" 2003
  • "Soldiers Are Soldiers" 2003
  • "Doing and allowing those to do what one does best." 2006

[edit] External links