Category:German-speaking ex-regions

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This category embraces German-speaking regions of Europe which figure in world history although they are nowadays distributed among other administrative or political entities. Most are obsolete in the sense that they are no longer delineated on current maps, although they may figure in contemporary speech. Swabia, for example, is a cultural region that is now divided between Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria states. Some of the regions such as the Sudetenland have ceased to exist. A common characteristic of such regions was, or is, that they evolved distinctive dialects and folk customs.

The category does not include:

  • the smaller principalities
  • regions that still exist, but are no longer German-speaking, e.g. Silesia
  • regions defined by valleys, mountains and other distinct physical features, e.g. the Black Forest.

Pages in category "German-speaking ex-regions"

There are 4 pages in this section of this category.



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