From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
//AUTO ARCHIVE //Written by GeorgeMoney //The header to put on top of all archives (if the archive is in 'w' mode (modes explained below)) var archiveheader = ''; //Your talk page header for to use when archiving. Remember to keep the <noinclude> tags or else your archive will have your talk page header along with it. var talkheader = '<noinclude>{{User:Mypage/header}}</noinclude>'; //Your talk page archive page. Insert "NUMBER" where the number of archive you are on goes. (Dont put a real number!! just put the text "NUMBER") var archiveurl = "User_talk:GeorgeMoney/ArchiveNUMBER"; //The mode to archive your talk page. Making this value 'a' will make the script add your archive to the bottom of the current archive. //Making it 'w' will totally erase the contents of the current archive (usually you should set the current archive value to a new archive to avoid erasing old archives, //where as in append mode (a), you should set it to your current archive to append the contents) var archivemode = 'w'; // if(readCookie('archive1') == 'yes' && window.location.href.indexOf('archivestep') == -1) { (window.location.href) = wikiurl+mytalk+'?action=edit&archivestep=2'; } function changearccontents() { document.title = "Archival Script Manager"; document.getElementById('bodyContent').innerHTML = '<div class="dontshow" style="display: none !important;"></div>\n' + '<h1 class="firstHeading" style="display:block;">Archive Script Manager</h1>\n' + 'Current archive number (the one that you haven\'t done yet (like if I want to archive to archive 2 then that is the next one not done)): <br> <input type="text" id="archnuminput" value="' + readCookie('archivenum') + '" size="1" maxlength="4" /> <input type="button" value="save number" onclick="createCookie(\'archivenum\', document.getElementById(\'archnuminput\').value); document.getElementById(\'arclink\').href = wikiurl+archiveurl.replace(\'NUMBER\',readCookie(\'archivenum\'))+\'?action=edit&archivestep=1\';" /><br><br>\n'+ '<a href="'+wikiurl+archiveurl.replace('NUMBER',readCookie('archivenum'))+'?action=edit&archivestep=1" id="arclink" style="font-size: 2em; font-weight: bold;">Click here to begin the archive</a><br>\n' + ''; document.write('<style type="text/css">.firstHeading, .editsection {display:none;} .dontshow { display: none !important; } #content {background: honeydew !important; border: 3px solid green;} #p-cactions {display: none;}</style>'); } if(window.location.href.indexOf('archivemanage') != -1||window.location.href.indexOf('Archivemanage') != -1) { addOnloadHook(function(){ changearccontents(); }); } if (window.location.href.indexOf('archivestep=1') != -1 && window.location.href.indexOf('action=edit') != -1) { addOnloadHook(function (){ if(!readCookie('archivenum') != 'yes') { (window.location.href) = wikiurl+'User:GeorgeMoney/archivemanage' } if(archivemode == 'a') { document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value += "\n{{sub"+"st:"+mytalk+"}}"; } else { document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = archiveheader+"\n{{sub"+"st:"+mytalk+"}}"; } document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = "JS: Copying talkpage to archive"; createCookie('archive1', 'yes'); document.getElementById('editform').submit(); }); } if (window.location.href.indexOf('archivestep=2') != -1 && window.location.href.indexOf('action=edit') != -1) { addOnloadHook(function (){ if(readCookie('archive1') != 'yes') { alert("You shouldn't be at \"&archivestep=2\" because you haven't completed &archivestep=1. Please read the instructions on this archiving script. Redirecting to archive manager. "); (window.location.href) = wikiurl+'User:GeorgeMoney/archivemanage'; return; } createCookie('archive1', 'no'); document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value = talkheader; document.getElementById('wpSummary').value = "JS: Archiving talk page"; document.getElementById('editform').submit(); }); } //------- //