George Montagu

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George Montagu
George Montagu

George Montagu (1753 - June 20, 1815) was an English naturalist.

Montagu is best known for his Ornithological Dictionary (1802) and he contributed significantly to early knowledge of British birds. He showed that many hitherto accepted species were invalid, either being birds in summer or winter plumage or males and females of the same species. His study of harriers resulted in the discovery that the Montagu's Harrier was breeding in southern England, and he was also involved in the first British records of Cirl Bunting, Cattle Egret, Little Gull and Gull-billed Tern.

Montagu was born at the family home of Lackham House in Wiltshire, some three miles south of Chippenham in the north west of that county, and baptised at Lacock Church on July 9, 1753. In 1770 he joined the army as an Ensign in the 15th Regiment of Foot. He eventually rose to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Wiltshire Militia. In 1773 he married Ann Courtenay, niece of John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute. They settled at Alderton House in Wiltshire. In 1798 Montagu left his wife and moved to Knowle House, near Kingsbridge in Devon. It was here that he wrote his two-volume Ornithogical Dictionary; or Alphabetical Synopsis of British Birds.

Montagu also had an interest in marine and freshwater natural history, and in 1803 published his Testacea Britannica, a History of British Marine, Land and Freshwater Shells. This described 470 species of mollusks, 100 of which were new to the British list. He supplied some new species of Crustacea to William Elford Leach at the British Museum, and recorded some species of fish for the first time in English waters, as well as discovering new species including Montagu's Blenny and Montagu's Snapper. He also described the Lesser Horseshoe Bat for the first time.

Montagu died of tetanus after stepping on a rusty nail at Knowle House. He was buried at Kingsbridge Parish Church. Montagu's collection of birds was bought by the British Museum, about 200 of which are now housed at the Tring Museum. His annotated copies of the Dictionary and Testacea were bequeathed to the Linnean Society.

[edit] Reference

  • Barbara and Richard Mearns - Biographies for Birdwatchers