George Mitsikostas

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George Mitsikostas (as is rarely seen, without make up)
George Mitsikostas (as is rarely seen, without make up)

George Mitsikostas (Γιώργος Μητσικώστας) is the most famous mimic comedian in Greece. He started his career as mimicking politicians' voices in comedy radio shows for satire. His debut on TV was in 1990. Since then he has been in many Greek channels, afterwards started to imitate actors, singers and journalists as well, and changed the form of his shows. All of the titles of his shows are a wordplay, usually with his name:

  • Pitsi Pitsi me to Mitsi ('chit-chat with Mitsi') on Mega Channel - 1992
  • FTYSTOUS (both 'spit them' and 'identical' in Greek) on Alpha TV (a Greek version of Spitting Image with puppets) - 1994
  • TRELLAS (a mixture of 'Hellas' and the Greek word for 'folly' on Alpha TV - 1995
  • Tatsi-mitsi-kosta on ANT1 - 1996
  • MitsiHosta (a wordplay roughly meaning 'Bash them, MitsiKosta') on Alter Channel (2001 - 2006)
  • The Da Mitsi Code (2006 -

It is said that sometimes when a Greek celebrity called a restaurant or an hotel to book a seat, the persons on the other end of the line thought it was Mitsikostas making pranks. Mitsikostas has admitted he has done such things in the past.

There is a famous political anecdote concerning famous Greek politician and ex prime minister of Greece for many years Andreas Papandreou, who upon first hearing, then mostly unknown, George Mitsikostas imitating him on the radio having a conversation with leader of the then opposition and also former Prime Minister Konstantinos Karamanlis, called his minister alarmed upon a scam being raised against his party by imposters.