Geometric-Arithmetic Parallel Processor

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The GAPP (Geometric-Arithmetic Parallel Processor), invented by Wlodzimierz Holsztynski in 1981, was patented by Martin Marietta and is now owned by Silicon Optix, Inc. In terms of network topology, the GAPP is a mesh-connected array of single bit SIMD processing elements (PEs), where each PE can communicate with its neighbor to the north, east, south, and west. Each cell has its own memory. The space of addresses is the same for all cells. The data travels from the cell memories to the cells' registers, and in the opposite direction, in parallel. Characteristically, the cell's ALU (i.e. its PE) in the early versions of GAPP was nothing but a full 1-bit adder/subtractor, which efficiently served both the complex arithmetic as well as logical functions, and with the help of shifts it served also the geometric transformations--in short, it was doing all three types of the tasks (while other designs used three separate hardware special purpose units instead).

In its most recent incarnation (as of 2004), the systems by Teranex utilize GAPP arrays of up to 294,912 processing elements.