Geography of Greenland

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Outline Map of Greenland with ice sheet depths
Outline Map of Greenland with ice sheet depths

Greenland, the largest island in the world, is located between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic Ocean, northeast of Canada and northwest of Iceland. Greenland has no land boundaries and 44,087 km of coastline. A sparse population is confined to small settlements along the coast. Greenland possesses the world's second largest ice sheet.

The vegetation is generally sparse, with the only patch of forested land being found in Nanortalik Municipality in the extreme south near Cape Farewell.

The climate is arctic to subarctic with cool summers and cold winters. The terrain is mostly a flat but gradually sloping icecap that covers all land except for a narrow, mountainous, barren, rocky coast. The lowest point is at sea level, and the highest is Gunnbjørn (3,700 m). The northernmost point of Greenland proper is Cape Morris Jesup, discovered by Admiral Robert Peary in 1909. Natural resources include zinc, lead, iron ore, coal, molybdenum, gold, platinum, uranium, fish, seals, and whales.


[edit] Area

total: 2,175,600 km²
land: 2,175,600 km² (341,700 km² ice-free, 1,833,900 km² ice-covered) (est.)

Maritime claims:
exclusive fishing zone: 200 nautical miles
territorial sea: 3 nautical miles

[edit] Land use

arable land: 0%
permanent crops: 0%
permanent pastures: 1%
forests and woodland: 0%
other: 99% (1993 est.)

[edit] Irrigated land


[edit] Natural hazards

Continuous ice sheet covers 84% of the country; the rest is permafrost.

[edit] Environment - current issues

Protection of the arctic environment; preservation of the Inuit traditional way of life, including whaling; note - Greenland participates actively in Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC).

[edit] Climate change

See also: Greenland ice sheet

The Greenland ice sheet is two miles thick and broad enough to blanket an area the size of Mexico. The ice is so massive that its weight presses the bedrock of Greenland below sea level, so all-concealing that not until recently did scientists discover that Greenland actually might be three islands.

It is thought that before the Ice Age Greenland had mountainous edges, and a lowland (and probably very dry) center which drained to the sea by one big river flowing out westwards past where Disko is now.

There is concern about sea level rise caused by ice loss (melt and glaciers falling into the sea) on Greenland. Between 1997 and 2003 ice loss was 80±12 km³/yr, compared to about 60 km³/yr for 1993/4-1998/9. Half of the increase was from higher summer melting, with the rest caused by velocities of some glaciers exceeding those needed to balance upstream snow accumulation (Krabill et al., L24402, GRL 2004). A complete loss of ice on Greenland would cause a sea level rise of as much as 21 feet.

Researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the University of Kansas reported in February 2006 that the glaciers are melting twice as fast as they were five years ago. By 2005, Greenland was beginning to lose more ice volume than anyone expected — an annual loss of up to 52 cubic miles per year (216 km³/yr), according to more recent satellite gravity measurements released by JPL.

Between 1991 and 2006, monitoring of the weather at one location (Swiss Camp) found that the average winter temperature had risen almost 10 degrees fahrenheit.

Since 2002, Greenland's three largest outlet glaciers have started moving faster, satellite data show. On the eastern edge of Greenland, the Kangerlussuaq Glacier, like the Jakobshavn Isbræ, has surged, doubling its pace. To the west, the Helheim Glacier now appears to be moving about half a football field every day. The accelerating ice flow has been accompanied by a dramatic increase in seismic activity. In March 2006, researchers at Harvard University and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University reported that the glaciers now generate swarms of earthquakes up to magnitude 5.0

(Source: Los Angeles Times, June 25, 2006, "Greenland's Ice Sheet Is Slip-Sliding Away")

[edit] Extreme points

This is a list of the extreme points of Greenland, the points that are farther north, south, east or west than any other location.

Greenland (nation)

Greenland (island)

[edit] External link

  • Geological map of Greenland from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland ( GEUS).

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