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Gendercide is a neologism that refers to the systematic killing of members of a specific sex, either males or females, coined by Mary Anne Warren in her 1985 book Gendercide: The Implications of Sex Selection [1]. The term is intended to be sex-neutral, but it is mostly used in feminism to refer to female victimes (feminicide or femicide) but it has also been used to refer to male victims (viricide), e.g. in Jones (1999).
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[edit] Male victims
The systematic killing of men viricide happens sometimes during war to reduce an enemy's potential pool of soldiers; this happened for example in the 1988 Anfal campaign against Kurdish men in Iraq and in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre of Bosniak men and boys.
Gendercide against men is rumored to be a common fantasy among particularly misandrous adherents of radical feminism and separatist feminism.[citation needed]
[edit] Femicide
The term femicide or feminicidio (femicidio in Spanish) is a term referring to the systematic killing of women because they are women. Femicide is seen as a gender crime. It is attested from the 1820s (2006 Random House Unabridged Dictionary).
There have been reports of femicide in Guatemala City, Guatemala and in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. The murders in Juarez and Guatemala were reportedly not investigated by the local authorities. Most of the women were raped before being murdered and some were mutilated, tortured and even dismembered. In Guatemala City about 20% of the over 500 women murdered in 2004 and 2005 were killed in pairs, due to an "intimate relationship" according to Claudia Acevedo of Lesbiradas.
There is also concern that femicide of Aboriginal women is taking place in Canada. Five hundred Aboriginal women have been reported missing or murdered since 1980, a disproportionate proportion compared to non-Aboriginal women. According to sociological studies these women are seen as easy targets because their race places them at the bottom of the social and economic hierarchy. Many of the missing women have been dismissed as prostitutes and their disappearances have gone uninvestigated. A major factor in bringing international attention to Canadian women was the murder of Helen Betty Osborne in 1971.
According to the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces between 113 and 200 million women are missing.
The most widespread form of femicide is in the form of Sex-selective infanticide in cultures with strong preferences for male offspring, notably in China, India, and South Korea. These practices result in demographic imbalance with an excess of males. The Demographics of mainland China for example shows 1.13 males/female under 15 years, as opposed to a 'natural' average of 1.05. Sex selection in favour of females appears to be rare or non-existent.
[edit] External links
- Gendercide Watch Website devoted to this subject, with links to publications and related resources
- Gendercide watch - Female Infanticide
- Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Situation of the Rights of Women in Ciudad Juárez (2002) —
Report by OAS human rights agency. - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Graduate Research "Juarez Mothers Fight Femicide Documentary" (March 2005)
- The Economist - No place for your daughters (Nov 24th 2005)
- Rape Survivor Bashing as a bias crime or hate crime
- Lourdes Portillo Video, Señorita Extraviada ISDN 0807861731 2001
[edit] References
- AJIC, Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission. “The Death of Helen Betty Osborne.” <>
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