Gemini Observatory

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Gemini Observatory

Gemini South telescope

Organization Gemini Consortium and AURA
Location Mauna Kea, Hawai'i
Cerro Pachón, Chile
Coordinates 19°49′N 155°28′W
30°13′S 70°43′W
Altitude 4200 m
2700 m
Webpage Gemini Observatory
Gemini North 8.1 m Cassegrain reflector
Gemini South 8.1 m Cassegrain reflector

The Gemini Observatory is an astronomical observatory consisting of two 8-metre telescopes at different sites. The Gemini telescopes were built and are operated by a consortium consisting of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, and Australia. This partnership is managed by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA). The Northern Operations Center is located in Hilo, Hawaii, and the Southern Operations Center is in La Serena, Chile.

One telescope (Gemini North, also called the Frederick C. Gillett telescope) is located on Hawaii's Mauna Kea. Its location makes for excellent viewing conditions due to the superb atmospheric conditions on top of the over 4200 m (13,800 ft) high dormant volcano. It saw first light in 1999 and began scientific operations in 2000.

The other (Gemini South) is located at over 2700 m (9000 ft) elevation on a mountain in the Chilean Andes called Cerro Pachón. Very dry air and negligible cloud cover make this another prime telescope location (shared by several other observatories, including the SOAR Telescope and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory). Gemini South saw first light in 2000.

The Gemini Observatory's international headquarters is located in Hilo, Hawaii at the University of Hawaii at Hilo's University Park. The Gemini South base-facility is located on the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) campus in La Serena Chile.

Together, the twin Gemini telescopes provide complete unobstructed coverage of both the northern and southern skies. They are currently the among the largest and most advanced optical/infrared telescopes available to astronomers. Both employ a range of advanced technologies to deliver the highest quality images, including laser guide stars, adaptive optics and multi-object spectroscopy. In addition, the two telescopes allow very high-quality infrared observations due to the advanced protected silver coating of their mirrors and advanced ventilation systems. Thanks to a high degree of networking, the Gemini telescopes can be operated remotely, and observations can be run when atmospheric conditions suit them best, reducing unnecessary travel by astronomers.

It is estimated that the two telescopes cost approximately $184 million to construct, and a night on each Gemini telescope is worth about $40,000.

[edit] See also

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