Gellar field

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A Gellar field (also written as Geller field) is an arcane device from the Warhammer 40,000 fictional universe. Its purpose is to provide protection from the denizens of Chaos when Imperial warships are travelling through the Immaterium

When travelling in the Immaterium, ships are subject to an onslaught of Chaos, in the form of daemons and other denizens of the Warp. The Gellar field projects and sustains an artificial bubble of 'reality' and it's attendant physical laws around the ship, preventing Daemons from flooding into the ship. The field is projected around the starship while within the Immaterium, and is described as teardrop-shaped.

Primarily referenced in the Battlefleet Gothic series as the shroud around Imperial ships, failure of the Gellar field allows the creatures of the Warp to descend on the stricken vessel, unravelling the 'reality' of the ship and devouring the souls of the crew.

[edit] References

Warhammer 40,000 Articles
Forces of the Imperium

Imperial Guard - Space Marines - Witch Hunters - Daemonhunters

Forces of Chaos

Chaos - Chaos Space Marines - The Lost and the Damned

Alien races

Eldar - Dark Eldar - Ork - Necron - Tau - Tyranid


Armageddon - Cadia - Catachan - Eye of Terror - Kronus - Mars - Medusa V - Tanith - T'au - Terra


Epic - Necromunda - Gorkamorka - Horus Heresy
