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In mathematics, generalized cwatset (GC-set) is an algebraic structure generalizing the notion of closure with a twist, the defining characteristic of the cwatset.


[edit] Definitions

A subset H of a group G is a GC-set if for each hH, there exists a φhAut(G) such that φh(h) \cdot H = φh(H).

Furthermore, a GC-set HG is a cyclic GC-set if there exists an hH and a φAut(G) such that H = {h1,h2,...} where h1 = h and hn = h1 \cdot φ(hn − 1) for all n > 1.

[edit] Examples

  • Any cwatset is a GC-set since C + c = π(C) implies that π − 1(c) + C = π − 1(C).
  • Any group is a GC-set, satisfying the definition with the identity automorphism.
  • A non-trivial example of a GC-set is: H = {0, 2} where G = Z10.
  • A NONEXAMPLE (showing that the definition is not trivial for subsets of Z_2^n): H = {000, 100, 010, 001, 110}.

[edit] Properties

  • A GC-set HG always contains the identity element of G.
  • The direct product of GC-sets is again a GC-set.
  • A subset HG is a GC-set if and only if it is the projection of a subgroup of Aut(G)G, the semi-direct product of Aut(G) and G.
  • As a consequence of the previous property, GC-sets have an analogue of Lagrange's Theorem: The order of a GC-set divides the order of Aut(G)G.
  • If a GC-set H has the same order as the subgroup of Aut(G)G of which it is the projection then for each prime power pq which divides the order of H, H contains sub-GC-sets of orders p,p2,...,pq. (Analogue of the first Sylow Theorem)
  • A GC-set is cyclic if and only if it is the projection of a cyclic subgroup of Aut(G)G.

[edit] See also