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[edit] Deployment

I think it should be made clearer both that even though cameras have to be yellow, you cannot use this in court to have your case dismissed, and also that SCPs can use grey hidden cameras but they will not be able to claim back the fine costs (under current arrangements), and would therefore go 'bust' so they dont. --TFoxton 13:38, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

Do you think, perhaps, it should be in Safety Camera Partnership, or Speed cameras, as it applies to all types of static camera, not just to those manufactured by Gatso. This, I think, should really be an article about the technicalities and characteristics of just Gatso cameras. -- de Facto (talk). 14:17, 29 October 2006 (UTC)
I think the whole paragraph on requirements (paint yellow etc) relates to all types of camera (as you suggest) and should probably - with the above info - be put into either Road-rule enforcement camera under a 'UK' section or in a new article such as Safety cameras in the UK for example?!? --TFoxton 15:32, 29 October 2006 (UTC)