Gaisburger Marsch

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Gaisburger Marsch
Gaisburger Marsch

Gaisburger Marsch (march of Gaisburg) is a traditional swabian stew.

In order to make it, a strong broth with Ox flesh and mirepoix is cooked. The meat is cut into cubic form and served with cooked potatoes and Spaetzle on a dish. The broth is poured over it and is served with golden-brown onions that were roasted in butter. One version of the origin of the meal has it that this dish was so popular in the 19th century with officers candidates from nearby Stuttgart, that they marched there. Another version claims men from Gaisburg became prisoners of war and their women were allowed to feed them daily one dish. So they created this nourishing meal for them.

In Stuttgarts district Gaisburg the history of this meal is commemorated yearly with several days of celebrations.

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