
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This Wikipedia User...
Is very new to Wikipedia -- please bear with him!
Likes to patrol new pages for Myspace bands in need of speedy deletion.
Is a member of Ezperanza
Is just starting to learn Python, and could use some help.
Is left-handed.
Is a bibliophile.
Admires the metric system, but is hindered by his US background.
Opposes censorship, and admires Wikipedia for sharing that ideal.
Is a world citizen.
Is registered as a posthumous organ donor, and thinks it should be an opt-out, not opt-in, system.
Rejects theocracies and advocates the separation of church and state.
Supports a merit-based society, and has no sympathy for those who choose not to pursue knowledge and a worthwhile life.
Strongly advocates safe and widespread nuclear power as a clean efficient energy source.
Plays the Civ games, and enjoys Alpha Centauri the most.
Admires the ideologies of Academician Prokhor Zakharov.
Is a rabid Myst fan.
Plays Nethack, but isn't very good yet.
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Links... Contributions ... Sandbox ...

Welcome to my userpage, all ye who enter this domain.

I am still a very green contributor to Wikipedia, but I'm eager to learn more about it and to contribute more. I see Wikipedia as a powerful ideal -- the ability for mankind to reach a consensus for the betterment of humanity.

Right now, my main accomplishments are limited mostly to finding spammy and meaningless articles and marking them for deletion -- I'm a strong advocate that non-notable things need to be kept off Wikipedia. Please, if you're thinking about making a silly page about a schoolfriend or your Myspace band that no one's heard of, please don't. It is not notable, and it makes more work for the rest of us.

However, I've also helped the following articles in significant ways:

  • Confucius Institute -- I uploaded the logo to this article and cleaned it up; there's a Confucius Institute opening near where I live, and I'm planning on seeking education there.

[edit] Userboxes, and why User Interest Lists are Better

Right now, the whole userbox controversy has flared up again. I really don't have that strong opinions either way on it, but I've found a great alternative to userboxes, thanks to Nhprman: the User Interest List! I find it a cleaner and more elegant way to organize things that were once in userboxes -- and having to write one's captions actually makes it something more connected to the actual user. Using userboxes really isn't expressing creativity if you're using others' templates.

You may be concerned about the various Category groups that you would lost membership in were you to delete the userbox, but remember this: you can put the category anywhere on the page! For example, I took all the Category tags from the userboxes and placed them at the end of my page for easy access.

Try out the User Interest List -- it makes things easier to work with.

[edit] Esperanza

I just joined Esperanza, and I have to say, with such a massive project like Wikipedia, it's nice to have a group of people who can help when it seems too overwhelming.

[edit] My Major Accomplishments (well, kind of major)

Map showing nations which have recognized or have special diplomatic arrangements with the State of Palestine.
Map showing nations which have recognized or have special diplomatic arrangements with the State of Palestine.