G4 nations

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The current G4 member states are:

G4 countries.
G4 countries.

The G4 (Group of Four) is an alliance among India, Germany, Japan and Brazil for the purpose of supporting each other’s bid for permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council. Unlike similar alliances such as the G7 or G8, where the common denominator was the economy or long term political motives, the G4's primary aim is the coveted permanent member seats on the UN Security Council.

The UN currently has 5 permanent members with veto powers in the Security Council: China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The G4 nations are regularly elected to two-year terms on the Security Council by their respective groups: in the 20-year period from 1987 to 2006, Japan and Brazil were elected for four terms each, and Germany for three terms. India has been elected to the council six times in total, although the last of those was more than a decade ago, in 1991-92.

While almost all nations have agreed in principle that the UN needs a revamping which includes expansion, few countries are willing to talk about the exact time frame for such a reorganization. Also there has been discontent among the present permanent members regarding the inclusion of controversial nations or countries not supported by them. For instance, Japan's bid is heavily opposed by the People's Republic of China. At the same time Japan finds strong support from the USA and the UK[1]

France and the UK have announced that they support the claims of the G4.[citation needed] Note that nearby countries with fewer chances of a Security Council seat for themselves often oppose the efforts of the G-4— so Pakistan opposes a Security Council seat for India, South Korea opposes a seat for Japan, Argentina opposes a seat for Brazil, and Italy opposes a seat for Germany (see Uniting for Consensus). Also important are historical and recent political antimosities.

The G4 suggested 2 African nations to be included in the enlarged UNSC. During several conferences during the summer of 2005 the African Union was unable to agree on 2 nominees: Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa all lay claim for a permanent African UNSC seat. [2][3]

A UN General Assembly in September 2005 marked the 60th anniversary of the UN and the members were to decide on a number of necessary reforms—including the enlarged SC. However the unwillingness to find a negotiable position stopped even the most urgent reforms; the September 2005 General Assembly was a setback for the UN.

The G4 retain their goal of permanent UNSC membership for all four nations (plus two African nations). However, Japan announced in January 2006 that it would not support a retabling of the G4 resolution and was working on a resolution of its own.[4]

[edit] References

  1. ^ [1], US support for Japanese bid.
  2. ^ Africa's Battle for Power in the Security Council, United Nations Radio, 21 July 2005. Retrieved 14 May 2006.
  3. ^ Africa: Security Council Expansion, AfricaFocus Bulletin, 30 April 2005. Retrieved 14 May 2006.
  4. ^ Japan Says No to G4 Bid, Global Policy Forum, News24.com, 7 Jan 2006

[edit] See also