Futami Jouwa
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Futami Jouwa is a popular Ryukyuan song in the Okinawan language with a part for a man and a part for a woman. The lyrics are as follows:
M=Man W=Woman
M: hu-ta-mi-ya-ra-bi-ya da-.n-z.-yu-ci-mu-z.-yu-ra-sa .u-mi-ya-ma-nu-na-ga-mi yu-su-ni-ma-sa-ti-yo
W: hu-ta-mi-mu-ra-yu-mi-ya na-.i-bu-s.-ya-ya-.a-si-ga hi-nu-ku-za-ci-hi-ra-nu nu-bu-.i-ku-da-.i-yo   
M: .i-t.-ya-ta-si-ya ku-si-g.-wa-a
W: ka-ta-ta-si-ya hi-nu-ku
M: .u-mu-ti-ka-yu-ta-si-ya ha-na-nu-hu-ta-mi-yo
M: ma-ci-ka-nu-ti-.u-ta-ru su-.i-nu-bu-.i-ya-si-ga
W: .i-.n-ji-ta-c.-ya-ru-ci-wa-ya wa-ka-ri-gu-ri-s.-ya-yo
M: .i-ka-.i
M: .i-.n-ji-ku-yo-tu ka-wa-su-.i-ku-tu-ba-ya
M: nu-ga-si-ci-mu-.u-ci-ni .u-mu-.i-nu-ku-ci-yo
M+W: .i-ku-sa-ba-nu-.a-wa-ri .i-ci-ga-wa-si-ri-yu-ra wa-si-ri-ga-ta-na-sa-ya ha-na-nu-hu-ta-mi-yo
[edit] English translation
Man: The girls of Futami are very kind, and the view of the sea and the mountains is better than elsewhere.
Woman: Although I want to be the bride of a Futami boy, the hills and valleys of the slopes of the Hennoko peninsula are harsh.
Man: When I met you in Kushi
Woman: Hennoko was some tale to tell
Man: I obsessed over you at the fork in the path where the flowers are, when I passed through it.
Man: I was waiting for you for some time, even though I had to make my way to Shuri
Woman: Parting with you was be difficult
Man: Farewell!
Woman: We exchanged parting words of "Bon voyage!"
Man: Why is my heart so broken?
Man and Woman: Although the grief of war will be forgotten eventually, I want to forget it now, the fork in the path where the flowers are