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Furir is a Swedish rank awarded after 10 months of conscript training and is also a rank used by conscript leader candidates (PB) prior promotion to Sergeant.


[edit] History

[edit] Origin

The responsibility of a furir was to arrange for housing as well as the distribution of food in a Company. The rank was replaced with fanjunkare 1875 to be reintroduced 1914 as a rank for senior squad leaders and instructors.

[edit] Currently

A conscript Furir can be found in a variety of positions, either as a specialist in a field and/or, as a MP man, a cavalry rifleman, a team leader or a deputy team leader. A team generally consists of between 4-10 soldiers including a team leader and a deputy team leader. Directly below this rank is the rank of Korpral and above it the rank of Överfurir.

[edit] Reform 1972

Korprals were elevated to Furir.

[edit] Överfurir

The rank was established 1942 and placed above Furir. It was removed 1983 as a professional rank, but appointments to the rank for non-professionals continued until 1991. Prior appointees retain their rank and temporary appointments are still made in some circumstances, primarily for the duration of international peacekeeping missions.

[edit] See also

Rank Furir Fu
Rank above Sergeant
Rank below Korpral
Rank criteria 10 months of conscript training
Command KFOR Deputy Team Leader of 5-7 men
Responsibility rifleman, specialist, or deputy team leader (team = 6-8 men)