Full employment theorem
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A theorem that guarantees full employment to some class of professionals by showing that a computer or less-skilled worker cannot perform the task they do.[citation needed]
For example, the Full employment theorem for Compiler Writers states that there is no such thing as a perfect optimizing compiler. The implication is that there is endless scope for humans (or searching AI systems) to keep discovering new codes to perform additional optimizations.
The theorems arise for tasks where the space of possible machines is infinite: there is no upper bound on the size of a program for compiler optimization, as new optimizations can always be discovered. As any Turing machine is limited to a finite length program, it follows that there is no perfect compiler machine.
Godel's theorem could be thought of as a full employment theorem for mathematicians.
Less formally, combative tasks such as virus writing and detection, and spam filtering and filter-breaking appear to be candidates for full employment.