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Fuinur, which is Sindarin for Shadow Lord, was a Black Númenórean in the Middle-earth legendarium created by J. R. R. Tolkien.

Fuinur is mentioned only once, in the passage cited below;

..because of the power of Gil-galad these renegades, lords both mighty and evil, for the most part took up their abodes in the southlands far away; yet two there were, Herumor and Fuinur, who rose to power amongst the Haradrim, a great and cruel people that dwelt in the wide lands south of Mordor beyond the mouths of Anduin. (from "Of the Rings of Power and The Third Age" in The Silmarillion).

His fate is unknown, but Fuinur likely shared Sauron's defeat at the hands of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men.

Theories that Fuinur and his ally Herumor were possible Ringwraiths is disproven by some simple facts. First, both were lords of Númenor when Sauron was imprisoned on Númenor. His presence there corrupted them, however it was at this time that the nine had already been formed. Since the Ringwraiths had already appeared approximately 400 years before their seduction, they could not have become Ringwraiths, since all nine survived up to the War of the Ring.

In the defunct and somewhat obscure Middle-earth Role Playing game from the 1980s, Fuinur is given an extended history. Herumor is here his younger brother.