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General subfields within physics
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Classical mechanics | Electromagnetism | Thermodynamics | General relativity | Quantum mechanics 

Particle physics | Condensed matter physics | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics 

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General subfields within astronomy
Cosmology • Extragalactic astronomy • Galactic astronomy • Stellar astronomy • Star formation • Planetary science
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General subfields within biology
Anatomy | Astrobiology | Biochemistry | Bioinformatics | Botany | Cell biology | Ecology | Developmental biology | Evolutionary biology | Genetics | Genomics | Marine biology | Human biology | Microbiology | Molecular biology | Origin of life | Paleontology | Parasitology | Pathology | Physiology | Taxonomy | Zoology
Major fields of technology
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Applied science Artificial intelligence | Ceramic engineering | Computing technology | Electronics | Energy | Energy storage | Engineering physics | Environmental technology | Materials science | Materials engineering | Microtechnology | Nanotechnology | Nuclear technology | Optical engineering | Quantum computing
Athletics and recreation Camping equipment | Playground | Sports | Sports equipment
Information and communication Communication | Graphics | Music technology | Speech recognition | Visual technology
Industry Construction | Financial engineering | Manufacturing | Machinery | Mining
Military Bombs | Guns and ammunition | Military technology and equipment | Naval engineering
Domestic / residential Domestic appliances | Domestic technology | Educational technology | Food technology
Engineering Aerospace engineering | Agricultural engineering | Architectural engineering | Bioengineering | Biochemical engineering | Biomedical engineering | Chemical engineering | Civil engineering | Computer engineering | Construction engineering | Electrical engineering | Electronics engineering | Environmental engineering | Industrial engineering | Materials engineering | Mechanical engineering | Metallurgical engineering | Mining engineering | Nuclear engineering | Petroleum engineering | Software engineering | Structural engineering | Tissue engineering
Health and safety Biomedical engineering | Bioinformatics | Biotechnology | Cheminformatics | Fire protection technology | Health technologies | Pharmaceuticals | Safety engineering
Transport Aerospace | Aerospace engineering | Marine engineering | Motor vehicles | Space technology | Transport
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Blood - Blood plasma
Pluripotential hemopoietic stem cells | Red blood cells (ReticulocyteNormoblast) | White blood cells
T cells (CytotoxicHelperRegulatory T cellsNatural Killer T cells) | B cells (Plasma cells & Memory B cells) | Natural killer cells
Granulocytes (NeutrophilEosinophilBasophil) | Mast cell precursors | Monocytes (HistiocyteMacrophagesDendritic cellsLangerhans cells, MicrogliaKupffer cellsOsteoclasts) | Megakaryoblast | Megakaryocyte | Platelets
Endocrine system - Pancreas - edit
Islets of Langerhansalpha cell | beta cell | delta cell | epsilon cell |PP cell
Endocrine system - Pituitary gland - edit
Posterior pituitaryPars nervosa | Median eminence | Infundibular stalk
Anterior pituitaryPars intermedia | Pars tuberalis | Pars distalis | Somatotropes | Lactotropes | Thyrotropes | Gonadotropes | Corticotropes
Nervous system - Sensory system - edit
Special sensesVisual system | Auditory system | Olfactory system | Gustatory system
Somatosensory systemNociception | Thermoreception | Vestibular system |
Mechanoreception (Pressure, Vibration & Proprioception)
Cardiovascular system - Heart - edit
atria (interatrial septum, musculi pectinati) | ventricles (interventricular septum, trabeculae carneae, chordae tendinaepapillary muscle) | valves

base | apex | grooves (coronary/atrioventricular, interatrial, anterior interventricula, posterior interventricular) | surfaces (sternocostal, diaphragmatic) | borders (right, left)

right heart(vena cavaecoronary sinus) → right atrium (auricle, fossa ovalis, limbus of fossa ovalis, crista terminalis, valve of the inferior vena cava, valve of the coronary sinus) → tricuspid valve → right ventricle (conus arteriosus, moderator band/septomarginal trabecula)  → pulmonic valve  → (pulmonary artery and pulmonary circulation)

left heart: (pulmonary veins)left atrium (auricle) → mitral valveleft ventricleaortic valve (aortic sinus) → (aorta and systemic circulation)

pericardium  (sinus) | epicardium | endocardium | myocardium | cardiac skeleton (fibrous trigone, fibrous rings)

conduction systemcardiac pacemaker | Purkinje fibers | bundle of His | SA node | AV node

Endocrine system - Adrenal glands - edit
MedullaChromaffin cells
CortexZona glomerulosa | Zona fasciculata | Zona reticularis
Sensory system - Auditory system - edit
Outer ear: Pinna | Ear canal 

Middle ear: Eardrum | Ossicles (MalleusIncus & Stapes) | Stapedius | Tensor tympani | Eustachian tube

Inner ear: Cochlea (Scala vestibuliScala media & Scala tympani) | Oval window | Helicotrema | Round window | Basilar membrane | Reissner's membrane | Organ of Corti | Hair cells | Stereocilia

Brain: Cochlear nerve VIII → Cochlear nuclei → Superior olivary nuclei → Lateral  lemniscus  → Inferior colliculi → Medial geniculate nuclei → Primary auditory cortex

Sensory system - Gustatory system - edit
Tongue | Taste bud | Gustatory cortex | Basic tastes
Sensory system - Olfactory system - edit
Olfactory bulb | Olfactory nerve | Olfactory epithelium | Glomeruli | Olfactory mucosa | Olfactory receptor neurons | Mitral cells | Piriform cortex
Sensory system - Visual system - edit
Eye | Optic nerve | Optic chiasm | Optic tract | Lateral geniculate nucleus | Optic radiation | Visual cortex
Sensory system - Visual system - Eye - edit
Fibrous tunic: Conjunctiva | Sclera | Cornea | Schlemm's canal | Trabecular meshwork 

Uvea: Choroid | Iris | Pupil | Ciliary body 

Retina : Macula | Fovea | Optic disc 

Anterior segment (Anterior chamber, Aqueous humour, Posterior chamber, Lens) | Posterior segment (Vitreous humour)

Sensory system - Visual system - Eye - Retina - edit
Photoreceptor cells (Cone cellRod cell) → (Horizontal cell) → Bipolar cell → (Amacrine cell) → Ganglion cell

Giant retinal ganglion cells | Photosensitive ganglion cell

Respiratory system - edit
Nose | Nasal cavity | Pharynx | Larynx | Trachea | Lungs | Bronchi | Alveoli | Conducting zone | Respiratory zone