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Meanings of FSO:
- Fabryka Samochodów Osobowych, a Polish passenger car factory
- Federalnaya Sluzhba Okhrany, the Russian Federal Protective Service responsible for the security of state officials.
- FileSystemObject, computer error read line from Visual Basic code read
- Financial Services of Ontario, an insurance and investment company
- Fire support officer, military term for field artillery battalions and brigades, the FSO is the senior field artillery officer who advises commander on fire-support matters
- Flight Safety Officer, military or civilian term, the FSO is responsible for safety aboard an aircraft, an aircraft carrier, or at an airport
- Floating Storage and Offloading system, is an offshore oil and gas vessel
- Foreign Service Officer, government employee working for their country in a foreign country
- Free Space Optics, a wireless data transmission technology based on light
- Full Scale Output, full voltage range on the analog side of an analog-to-digital converter, or digital-to-analog converter
- First Star Online, a series started by R. Mulvany