FringeWare Review

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FringeWare Review was a magazine of Cyberculture published in Austin, Texas. Many of the publication's writers and editors were associated with other publications such as BoingBoing, Mondo 2000, Whole Earth Review, and later Wired. Co-founded by Jon Lebkowsky and Paco Nathan, the magazine's parent company, FringeWare Inc. also owned an Austin bookstore that was an underground culture-hub for the city. FringeWare Inc. was one of many independent businesses to disappear from Austin during the late 90's.

       FringeWare has been, if not the home, then the battered half-way house for half of the memage in your head. Schwa, SubGenius, the FringeWare review, BoingBoing, them Bots which win the
        Turing Contest, the Dead Media Project. I'm sure they'd consider it an honour if you were in the area and find out - as was always FringeWare's creed - WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON."

---NTK, Need to Know, "*the* weekly high-tech sarcastic update for the uk" on Fringeware's closing.

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