Friedrich Hirth

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Friedrich Hirth, Ph.D. (1845-1927) was a German-American sinologue, born at Gräfentonna, Saxe-Gotha. He was educated at the universities of Leipzig, Berlin, and Greifswald (Ph.D., 1869). He was in the Chinese maritime customs service from 1870 to 1897. In 1902, Professor Hirth was appointed to the professorship of Chinese in Columbia University (New York City). His chief publications include:

  • China and the Roman Orient: Researches into their Ancient and Mediœval Relations as Represented in Old Chinese Records (1885)
  • Ancient Porcelain: A Study in Chinese Mediœval Industry and Trade (1888)
  • Text-Book of Documentary Chinese (two volumes, 1885-88)
  • Chinesische Studien, volume i (1890)
  • Ueber fremde Einflüsse in der chinesischen Kunst (1896)
  • Scraps from a Collector's Note-book, Being Notes on Some Chinese Painters of the Present Dynasty, with Appendices on Some Old Masters and Art Historians (1905)
  • The Ancient History of China (1908)
  • Chau Ju-kua, (1911) with W. W. Rockhill
  • The Story of Chang K'ie'n, China's Pioneer in Western Asia (1917)
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