Talk:Fresco Pictures

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The Ender's Game is a book about a family who has had a family of genus's their community is not aloud to have more than 2 children but the government was so impressed with the first two children and the brilliance that they aloud a third child to be born. Andrew Wiggins "Ender" is the third child out of the Wiggins family, because he is a "third" he has permission to be mocked for the rest of his life and his parents are no longer respected in their community. After a day at school and having to deal with bullies he is met at his house by Col. Graff a member of the I.F. he takes Ender to the battle school in space. On the way to the battle school Col. Graf isolates him by saying he is the best out of all the guys there. That was not the least of his problems, after he was at the battle school for about a year he was admitted to an army which does not happen very often and because of this action he is hated even more by the older boys who did not approve of this. the commander of this army was Bonzo Madrid who would not allow Ender to play in the game because he had had no experience in battling any way it ended up that he had thee highest score out of all the people at the battle school and was in first place. So Bonzo tried to trade him but it was very difficult because even though he had the highest point no one wanted a "Launchy" or some one inexperienced. About a month later he was requested by a boy named Dink Meeker who wanted Ender because of his idea's and didn't reject him because of his age. It turns out that Dink and Ender become pretty good friends and Ender is trusted by dink. But as soon as he gets comfortable in his new in his new army he is transferred to command his own army. But instead of giving him a good army with good veterans they gave him a army with launchies and veterans who have only seen a few battles. And on top of that they brought back an army name that had a bad past in fact it had never won an army before but that didn't discourage Ender. Instead of having 4toons he did something un heard of and had 5 toons this led the other teams to concentrate on the 4 toons and forget on the 5th one. Any way in his first battle he ended up winning which made him the talk of the commanders. also made him hated by them as well. so the next day Ender got another battle which never happened two in the matter of two days the army started getting tried and worn out but they had no idea on what was about to come

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