French government ministers

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French government ministers are members of the Prime Minister's cabinet, although in French the term "cabinet" is rarely used to describe the gouvernement, even in translation (as it is used in French to mean a minister's private office, composed of politically-appointed aides). In French, the word gouvernement can refer to government in general, but generally refers to the cabinet.

Politics of France
Government of France
President of the Republic
Prime Minister


Presidents of the Senate

and National Assembly

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The gouvernement is responsible to Parliament, and the National Assembly may pass a motion of censure, forcing the resignation of the cabinet. This, in practice, forces the gouvernement to be from the same political stripe as the majority in the Assembly. Ministers have to answer questions from members of Parliament, both written and oral; this is known as the questions au gouvernement (questions to the government). In addition, ministers attend meetings of the houses of Parliament when laws pertaining to their areas of responsibility are being discussed.

Government ministers cannot pass legislation without parliamentary approval, though the prime minister may issue regulations (décrets with a value of réglement) within certain constraints. Ministers, however, can propose legislation to Parliament; since the Assembly is from the same political stripe as the ministers, such legislation is, in general, very likely to pass. However, this is not guaranteed, and, on occasion, the opinion of the majority parliamentarians may differ significantly from those of the executive, which often results in a large number of amendments.

Traditionally, the cabinet comprises members of three ranks. Ministers are the most senior members of the government; ministers-delegate (ministres délégués) assist ministers in particular areas of their portfolio; secretaries of state (secrétaires d'État) assist ministers in less important areas, and attend cabinet meetings only occasionally. Before the Fifth Republic, some ministers of particular political importance were called "ministers of state" (ministres d'État); the practice has continued under the Fifth Republic in a purely honorific fashion: ministers styled Minister of State are considered of a higher importance in the cabinet.

The gouvernement has a leading role in shaping the agenda of the houses of Parliament. It may propose laws to Parliament, as well as amendments during parliamentary meetings. It may make use of some procedures to speed up parliamentary deliberations.

The cabinet has weekly meetings (usually on Wednesday mornings), chaired by the President, at the Élysée Palace.

[edit] List of Cabinet Ministers

Head of the "gouvernement": the Prime Minister of France.

The number and names of ministries and the splitting of responsibilities and administrations between them varies from government to government.

Current Ministerial positions (with their current titles):

Ministerial positions which no longer exist:

Secretaries of State and Ministers during the Ancien Régime