French Fifth Republic

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The Fifth Republic is the fifth and current republican constitution of France, which was introduced on October 5, 1958. The Fifth Republic emerged from the ashes of the French Fourth Republic, replacing a parliamentary government with a semi-presidential system.

See Government of France for a discussion of the current workings of the French government and Politics of France for a discussion of current politics.


[edit] Foundation by Charles de Gaulle

The impetus behind the creation of the Fifth Republic was the Algerian Crisis. Although France had since parted with many of its colonies, such as many of those in West Africa and Southeast Asia, it still retained Algeria, which had a large French population that opposed decolonization. Algeria eventually became independent on July 5, 1962, despite the efforts of a handful of intransigent officers of the anti-decolonization movement. De Gaulle publicly condemned their terroristic acts on Algeria and France alike, arranging a peace with the Algerian nationalist rebels. Finally, France had acquired the stability that its voters clamored for, and Algeria was independent.

Charles de Gaulle used the crisis as an opportunity to create a new French government with a stronger office of president, which before was largely that of a figurehead. French presidents, as in preceding constitutions, were given a long term (7 years, now reduced to 5 years) and currently still have more internal power than most of their European counterparts in parliamentary democracies. On September 28, 1958, a referendum took place and 79.2% of those who voted supported the new constitution.

The president was initially elected by an electoral college, but in 1962 de Gaulle proposed that the president should be directly elected by the citizens in a referendum. Although the method and intents of de Gaulle in that referendum were highly contested by most political groups except for the Gaullists, the change was approved by the French electorate. Given the runoff voting system used in the presidential election, the president of the Republic has a high degree of legitimacy, since he has to obtain a majority at either the first or second round of elections.

[edit] Fifth Republic: Presidents

President Born-died from to Party
Charles de Gaulle 1890-1970 December 21, 1959 April 28, 1969 (resigned) UNR

then UDR

Alain Poher 1909-1996 April 28, 1969 June 15, 1969 (interim)
Georges Pompidou 1911-1974 June 15, 1969 April 2, 1974 (died in office) UDR
Alain Poher 1909-1996 April 2, 1974 May 19, 1974 (interim)
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing 1926- May 19, 1974 May 10, 1981 UDF
François Mitterrand 1916-1996 May 10, 1981 May 17, 1995 Socialist
Jacques Chirac 1932- May 17, 1995 present RPR

then UMP

[edit] Fifth Republic: Prime ministers

Prime Minister from to Party
Michel Debré January 8, 1959 April 14, 1962 UNR
Georges Pompidou April 14, 1962 July 10, 1968 UNR
Maurice Couve de Murville July 10, 1968 June 20, 1969 UDR
Jacques Chaban-Delmas June 20, 1969 July 6, 1972 UDR
Pierre Messmer July 6, 1972 May 27, 1974 UDR
Jacques Chirac May 27, 1974 August 26, 1976 UDR
Raymond Barre August 26, 1976 May 21, 1981 UDF
Pierre Mauroy May 21, 1981 July 17, 1984 Socialist
Laurent Fabius July 17, 1984 March 20, 1986 Socialist
Jacques Chirac March 20, 1986 May 10, 1988 RPR
Michel Rocard May 10, 1988 May 15, 1991 Socialist
Edith Cresson May 15, 1991 April 2, 1992 Socialist
Pierre Bérégovoy April 2, 1992 March 29, 1993 Socialist
Edouard Balladur March 29, 1993 May 18, 1995 RPR
Alain Juppé May 18, 1995 June 3, 1997 RPR
Lionel Jospin June 3, 1997 May 6, 2002 Socialist
Jean-Pierre Raffarin May 6, 2002 May 31, 2005 UMP
Dominique de Villepin May 31, 2005   UMP

[edit] See also

Governments of
France series
Valois Dynasty
Bourbon Dynasty
National Convention
First Empire
House of Bourbon
House of Orleans
Second Republic
Second Empire
Third Republic
Vichy France
Fourth Republic
Fifth Republic