Franz Bücheler

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Franz Bücheler
Franz Bücheler

Franz Bücheler (June 3, 1837 - 1908) was a German classical scholar, was born in Rheinberg, and educated at Bonn.

He held professorships successively at Freiburg (1858), Greifswald (1866), and Bonn (1870), and in 1878 became joint-editor of the Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. Both as a teacher and as a commentator he was extremely successful.

Among his editions are:

  • Frontini de aquis urbis Romae (Leipzig, 1858)
  • Pervigilium Veneris (Leipzig, 1859)
  • Petronii satirarum reliquiae (Berlin, 1862; 3rd ed., 1882)
  • Hymnus Cereris Homericus (Leipzig, 1869)
  • Q. Ciceronis reliquiae (1869)
  • Herondae mimiambi (Bonn, 1892).

He wrote also Grundriss der lateinischen Deklination (1866); Des Recht von Gortyn (Frankfort, 1885, with Zitelmann); and supervised the third edition (1893) of O Jahn's Persii, Juvenalis, Sulpiciae saturae.

[edit] References

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